Rocket Box

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by SPARTAN 121, May 5, 2008.

  1. SPARTAN 121

    SPARTAN 121 Ancient
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    The map might not look pretty, but it sure plays fun, fresh, and entertaining. Read below the pictures for game rules, and discover what makes Rocket Box unique in comparison to the countless other Infection maps/gametypes out there.

    (Left side)

    (Right side)

    (Man Cannon, appears 3 minutes into the round)

    Rocket Box is a variant of Infection, but unlike the countless maps/gametypes of Infection you've undoubtedly played before, this is the first time it has ever been played the way this map/gametype plays.

    Humans spawn in an enclosed section of Avalanche, littered with cover in the form of walls, bridges, watchtower bases, and a couple of open single boxes. They spawn with the magnum, as well as a shotgun, both with infinite ammunition, have no radar, and have 150% damage resistance.

    The Infected spawn in an enclosed section of their own, armed with a rocket launcher and an energy sword, with Enhanced Radar, and the only way out of here is via a teleport. This teleport will bring the Infected to 1 of 8 random places. 7 of these places are inside a closed double box, the same double boxes that make up the 3 story wall that enclose the Human spawn area. From in this box, it will appear to you as if you are outside, no walls or ceilings, but there are invisible barriers keeping you in. You can shoot out, but the Humans cannot shoot in. In fact, the Humans don't even know which box you're in! If you cannot get an angle on a Human from in this box, go through the teleport again and it will bring you inside another random double box. Or, it will bring you to the 8th teleport exit, which is located just beyond the cliff on a floating platform (be careful and try not to fall off!). On this platform, the Humans can shoot at you, but they cannot get to this platform, nor can you get to the Human spawn area.

    The game is consisted of 3 rounds, with each round lasting 5 minutes each.

    90 seconds into the round, 2 custom powerups appear, which give you Enhanced Radar (so as to let you know where the rockets are coming from), a movement speed of 125%, and will last only 30 seconds.

    3 minutes in is where it gets intense however. For one, a man cannon appears where that 8th teleport exit is, giving the Infected the chance to finally enter the Human spawn area and use the sword. And secondly, night falls, adding that extra sense of suspense. Don't worry too much about the dark however, 4 flares also spawn, and this helps light up the night. These don't respawn, so use them wisely.

    Points given are as follows:
    3 points for infecting a Human
    1 point for killing an Infected
    10 points for being the Last Man Standing
    -1 points for a suicide

    Friendly fire is turned OFF, and the player with the most points at the end of the round will be chosen as the Infected during the next round.

    Click HERE to download the map.
    Click HERE to download the gametype.

    XxNAPALM FURYxX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks a little sloppy but sounds like a cool game mode ill check it
  3. oI kryptonic Io

    oI kryptonic Io Ancient
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    ^^^^^what he said ill try it out and tell you what i think
  4. Davidh258

    Davidh258 Ancient
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    Looks like an interesting use of thinking "inside the box". I discovered that myself (not saying I was the first) while trying to make a turret with just a warthog. Cool map though, I definatly DL'ed
  5. faceplanter7774

    faceplanter7774 Ancient
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    Well of course every map on avalanche will be messy. Exept when there is a floating map. because the whole map is all hilly. This map aand gametype looks alot diffrent from others. Ill check out later if i have enough room.
  6. SPARTAN 121

    SPARTAN 121 Ancient
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    Yep. It's hard to make an enclosed space on Avalanche if it isn't in the cave or floating and still looking neat and flush everywhere.

    What I find funny though is that 7 people have downloaded the map, but only 3 downloaded the accompanying gametype. This map is nothing without the gametype. I figured they just looked at it, then went, "meh...."

    It really is fun being Infected and watching the Humans try to hide behind something, and it's so funny when they don't know that you're in the box right next to them. And it's real intense being a human, trying to dodge rockets randomly appearing out of random places. Seriously, try it out with a party of at least 6 people, it's so much fun.
  7. a-groeper

    a-groeper Ancient
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    This is one map where I don't care how messy it is. Utterly AWESOME. Rockets + infection = my kind of map. Good thinking and creative construction.
  8. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    Here is a tip , interlock. i have this great map i posted but it lookrd very sloopy so no one liked it. jusrt saying
  9. Aclopolipse

    Aclopolipse Ancient

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    Sharpshooter, he did interlock.
  10. SPARTAN 121

    SPARTAN 121 Ancient
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    1) As Aclopolipse stated, I did interlock.

    2) If I interlocked the closed double boxes with the teleport inside, you wouldn't be able to get inside the closed double box.

    3) You obviously didn't download, so what you say carry no weight.
  11. KwirkyJ

    KwirkyJ Ancient
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    Looks like a very good map and game. Nice use of interlocking, although the "arena," for lack of a better term, is visually unimpressive. I have no doubt, however, that the gameplay for this is great. Now if only I could find a dozen people willing to play this with... >_>
  12. SPARTAN 121

    SPARTAN 121 Ancient
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    Yeah, the "arena" isn't that great looking, but there really is a lot of thought behind the madness. There is no spot in the arena that an Infected cannot hit with a rocket. They might not be able to hit it from a certain angle, but if they teleport to another box, they will be (depending on where you teleport to).

    The fun part is shooting rockets from one spot, watching as the Humans hide behind something, then teleporting and appearing behind the humans while they still think they're safe. So much fun. And when theres multiple Infected players, it gets real intense for the Humans.
  13. darkmuse19

    darkmuse19 Ancient
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    the gametype sounds like a great idea and you did interlock but as others said i think you might have had trouble with the way the area looked because the bumpy surface avalanche has.
  14. samstone

    samstone Ancient
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  15. SPARTAN 121

    SPARTAN 121 Ancient
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    Hence, "this map might not look pretty, but it sure plays fun, fresh, and entertaining."
  16. Mattie 400

    Mattie 400 Ancient
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    great idea, its looks awesome to play, im going to download it now, when u get mythic you should remake it on Sandbox, it would look loads better on it 4/5
  17. yahtzee414

    yahtzee414 Ancient
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    Hmmm... I think it's a very good idea fpr gameplay, it's an interesting idea for an infection game type, but I just can't get over the sub-par visuals. Try interlocking the bridges and evening out the walls.

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