I built this map to be a small slayer map. These pics should illustrate just how tight this space is! It features two bases, blue and red (of course), for team slayer and it is also supports FFA slayer. There is also a link of fusion cores between the two engine modules. If you ignite any part of this link, it will light both ends of the engine! This could potentially light up any opponents within range As always, comments are welcome. Your experience on this map could help me to improve its playability.
Looks nice, but I can't really get a sense of the layout. A top-down sketch, even on graph paper, would be nice. What I can see looks good, but I can't see much. Nice aesthetics. It looks like the tunnel you see when the laser was fired from the Death Star in Star Wars ep. 4.
Thank you for the feedback! I would recommend downloading the map and giving it a go, even if it is only by yourself. Its a tight space and getting pics of the whole room is a little difficult. Still, I think when you've had a chance to run around the room a bit, then you'll really get a feel for how the map might play with a larger group. The pics were really only meant to generate enough interest to download the map so you can really get a good look. Thanks again for the input!