I need some help. Im trying to create a zombie map and recreating a ship sinking/blowing up. Im using soft kill zones to recreate it, but i cant give them a set spawn time (like 10 seconds when the round starts) Why is that?
if its blowing up, then use actual explosions. Propane tanks might work well because of their random nature, although potentially cost-ineffective.
For all future reference, Respawn Time and Place At Start are completely ignored for the following objects: (Soft) Kill/Safe Areas Initial Loadout Camera Also, it can be assumed that they are ignored for these objects as well, though I've not tested them: Respawn Point Initial Spawn Respawn Zone Respawn Zone, Weak Respawn Zone, Anti You may be interested to know that Place At Start and Respawn Time do work for these objects: Hill Marker ...and hence can be assumed to work with these objects: Capture Plate Flag Stand
Hammer of the Righteous (1 talent point) it has received some changes from the version on live. WOW Power LevelingRight now, it shares a WOW cooldown with Crusader Strike and, like CS, it grants holy power when used. Also, instead of being target-limited, it works more like Swipe. Your initial target will take most of the damage,Aion Gold with all other targets in melee range being hit with a smaller amount of holy damage. Essentially, WOW Goldthis is what you'll be using against groups, and Crusader Strike is what you'll use against single targets. Wrath of the WOW Lightbringer (2 talent points) Since Blizzard gave Holy Wrath the same treatment as Exorcism so that they can now both are used against any target; this has opened another rotational ability. This bumps the damage and critical strike of that spell, Buy WOW Goldas well as WOW Judgement and Hammer of Wrath, for a bit more threat.