In my map there are two bases, a ground base and an air base. Currently red spawns in the air and blue spawns on the ground. How would I get blue to spawn in the air and red on the ground in round 2? Is this even possible? Any help is greatly appreciated.
As far as I know, you cannot have teams swap sides on a per-round basis in gametypes like Slayer. You may be able to have the game do this randomly, though: Make all spawns Neutral, and group them all in Neutral Respawn Zones. So all ground spawns are in one Zone, and all air spawns are in another. When the game starts the round, it'll spawn a player. Whatever side he ends up on, that's where his teammates will spawn; the other team will be forced to spawn on the opposite Zone. So that, in theory, will position each team more-or-less at random.
Another alternative is making the gametype an objective like ctf. Each team switches spawns every round.
Specifically game types like One Flag CTF, One Bomb Assault and Territories will swap the team spawns between rounds. And of course, Invasion will as well.
Ill try experimenting with other gametypes, but trying to make kills still be the only thing that matters. Thanks for the help!