This is my second forge map that I’ve created and posted on here. I wanted to try and get the feel of scaling a castle which is why it’s got the rock face that you need to climb. I also wanted to try and make a big castle map. This map hasn’t been tested so any recommendations for improvement would be very helpful thanks. Story: The king of England is dead leaving no heirs to the throne. The crown is up for grabs. The kingdom has erupted in civil war as each lord tries to claim the throne for himself. The path to victory can only be achieved by taking control of the countries most valuable castles. Phase 1: The first phase needs you to capture low part of the castle. Phase 2: Once captured man cannons spawn allowing you to be fired on to the cliff face. When you get to the top there are territories to capture on the other side of the wall. Phase 3: The last phase you need to assault the final castle. Its heavly defended but alot vehicles spawn for the attacking team. This is the inside of last casle. Respawn at the back.
wow, this looks great. you used more of the map than most other people do. and you really built a lot more than other people on a large map. and this looks incredibly fun too
Thanks. It kept getting bigger. I was only going to have the bottom castle and top one, but I had half my budget left so I added the other part.
Cool map. I am going to be playing it tomorrow with friends. LOOKS A LOT OF FUN. i suggest next time you should try to make 1 HuGE castle that has multiple stories. That would be awesome.
Could you give me some feedback about how the map plays. I think some of the capture locations are liitle hard to get. Thanks for downloading the map.
I played it with 16 players and it was the best invasion map I have seen so far. The gameplay is good, attacking is very funny... Maybe two little problems : - the defensive falcon was very powerful against elites traying to climb the second base. - attackers have to stay 20 secondes in the center of the defense's base which was a bit hard. It was impossible to survive more than one or two seconds, which is very frustrating. If the two teams aren't the same number of players, it would be near impossible for the attackers to win.
Thanks for the feedback. I sort of knew something was going to be abit unbalanced. Its a good job I didnt put two falcons cause that what it was :S. Not played this game yet so how do you think I should balance it. Delete the falcon, lower the territory time or give the attackers better weapons?
Well, in fact in the game I played, we were 8vs7. The team of seven people didn't even manage to get the first point. You should increase the respawn rate of the defender's sniper and put something like two points to get in the left and right-wings rather than one big in the center place. You could also add some cover fors the attackers so they won't be killed as soon as they enter in the hill (moreover, they are weakened by the fall so it's very hard for them to survive more than one or two seconds in the very main place of the base). You could also lower the time to capture this territory. It makes the attack easier but don't solve the frustration you have to be forced to do suicid attacks. By the way, it's useless to try to compensate this difficulty in attacking by adding new vehicles because the high walls force you to stay near the entrance to shoot at the opponents or to enter in the base and you are often hijacked. Maybe a wraith to shoot upside the walls instead of a revenant ? The second phase was very funny and well balanced, eventhough the problem that the attackers are forced to do suicide-attack by staying in the middle of the opposite base is still a bit present. I was killed twice by the falcon while I was climbing and I couldn't do anything to protect me or to destroy it. Then I don't know why but I didn't see it again, meaning someone should have found a solution against it. But I suggest that a banshee for the attackers or some green plasma pistol to neutralize it might be good ideas. Finally, I didn't understand anything during the third phase, which hasn't been longer than 30 seconds. We had won before I understand where was the base Maybe they were too much vehicles for the attackers ? The main advice I will give to you is to put cover in the top of the walls during the first phase but to protect the attackers. When you have managed to get on the top of the wall and killed the first linie of defenders who guarded the first wall, you are killed 80% of the time by the others defenders because you have no protection against them. Some covers to regenerate you shield would be greatly apprecied. If you survived, you are force to jump in the very middle of the opponent base and to stay here, weakened by the fall and surrounded by the opponents. It's a suicid-attack and you usually don't survive more than two seconds. You have solved this problem in the 2nd phase by adding some covers on the top of the wall but not inside the hill. Otherwise great job, it is a really good map despite these deffects that you can easely solve. Ps : Sorry if my poor English alters you sight :O
Now that you mentioned it phase one does look abit exposed. I think I'll come up with a 1.1 version or something. Thanks for the help by the way, and your english seems fine. Heres what Ive done so far:
this map does look indeed very interesting. i like the mancannons up to the top of montana. in my map i had to use falcons
Good improve, that was what I tried to highlight on the first phase ! Maybe we could play some games together one day if you want to test it yourself ? If you bear french (I know it's hard ^^), we are often playing full-people-game.
Sounds good to me. I dont speak french but I'll take that over some of the english speaking people I've played with lol.