I'm sure someone posted about this...but I could not find it in my searches.... Here's the question (or, Q #1): Are the x,y,z coordinates (and their Pitch/yaw/roll) based on the object itself, or from what direction I view and/or grab the object? - I have noticed that I can place an item that with have PYR of something like -90, 90, -180.....but I release it and regrab it from a different angle so I can see what I'm working on and the PYR changes to something like -45, -135, 0 (numbers not exact....just for example) yet, the orientation of the object does not change.....so is PYR based on how I look at it? Second question..... What is up with items (especially coliseum walls/windows) that randomly jump to other PYR coordinates when you grab them and go to "set coordinates"? It's a real PITA and I even notice that often Y and Z rotate the object in the exact same axis.....which seems should not happen..... So far, I've been able to work around most of it....but it certainly is confusing....
The Pitch Yaw and Roll can be different, yet the result be the same, it doesn't matter how you look at it. also, http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-...110512-rotation-forge-useful-information.html
I understand what you are saying....but the issue I am experienceing seems to be a bit different. For instance: I place a Coliseum Wall Flat in the sky, using the 90 degree lock feature and simple rotation. Then, when I open "edit coordinates" to fine tune it's position, the item flips upright. Now....when this happens, sometimes (75%) you can simply rotate the "x-pitch" setting 2 clicks and the item is back in the position you placed it.... [I find this strange because each "click" rotates the item around a different axis.... The other 25% or so times, the "double click of the pitch setting just rotates it around one axis....not returning it to my original placed position. After this second condition occurs, i find I simple have to guess with combinations of PYR settings until it finally drops into the position I want....or grab it manually and manually rotate it back to position....but if I should ever "edit coordinates" on it, I'm back to the same loop...... In addition....what I was trying to say in my original post, is I will record (as in write down) the PYR for an object, so I can duplicate or mirror it for instance, then, when I grab it again, those PYR setting are different....and don't even seem to make sense with the orientation of the object.....like it can be in 90,0,90 position and the PYR will say 135 and 45 in two spots....
I've found that if a piece auto spins when you try to edit its co ordinates just press the B button and then enter edit co ordinates again. You may have to do this two or three times but the piece will go back to its original position that you originally set it to. I hope that helps.
The auto-spinning happens because Rotation Snap is broken. Turn off Rotation Snap and you won't have a problem. Or Bungie could actually test more than half of the game to an adequate extent. ...Nah.