IF anyone wants to play this map or get a group together to play it don't hesistate to shoot and invite, I'm on most of the time. XBL GT: gottabreathe CREDIT TO: DRO ShoreXShot for Desigining and building the map as well. TOP VIEW OF THE MAP. 3x3 Grid of Rooms. The Extra Half Rooms are for the doors the wraparround to the other side. They look exactly like the room you're about to teleport to. MOBIUS STRIP has a 30x30 Halo Unit playable space. It's layout is a 3x3 grid of rooms. What makes this map unique is the teleporters linking the 4 edges of the map together. This creates a feeling of an INFINITE playable space as well as some new and intriguing objective and tactical gameplay. The map has been tested with all of the gametypes and each of them becomes new with this distinct map, but still remain very balanced. Bases are located in the 4 corners of the map. Red and blue base appear to be on opposie corners of the map and 4 rooms away, but by using the teleporters one can reach it in 2 rooms. Adjacent corners are therefore only 1 room away. Games like stockpile become very interesting when every room is essentially right next to each other. New strategies emerge in Oddball when an infinite amount of paths can be taken arround the map. RED BASE BLUE BASE The GREEN AND ORANGE BASES ARE EXACTLY LIKE THE RED AND BLUE BASES each lying in the 4 corners. The NEXT 4 pictures are the 4 EDGE ROOMS. Seen from the center room. THIS IS THE CENTER ROOM WHERE ROCKETS, NEEDLER, and PLASMA PISTOL SPAWN. THIS IS THE DOORWAY BEFORE YOU GO THE TELEPORTER WHICH TAKES YOU TO THE OTHERSIDE OF THE MAP. THE PERSON CAN'T TELL THAT THIS IS THE END OF THE MAP BEFORE THE DOORWAY.... THIS IS THE ROOM YOU TELEPORT TO, THE ONLY WAY YOU TELL THAT ITS NOT SEEMLESS IS BECAUSE OF HOW THE TELEPORTERS WILL CHANGE YOUR AIM SLIGTLY WHEN YOU GO THROUGH. WEAPONS: 4 Assault Rifles 4 DMRS 4 Stickies 4 Frags 1 Energy Sword 1 Rocket Launcher 1 Shotgun 1 Plasma Pistol 1 Needler
Aww man, i was building something based entirely on the same idea, now i wont be unique! D: Either way, brilliant mind-**** bro, it looks like it will be a ton of fun. Actually, i KNOW it will be a ton of fun!
Nice you posted it, I am going to try and pull some old friends in tonight so we can give it a full workout. I will probably be on around 5 but txt me when you get on.
It is a very clever idea and at first I thought your map looked a bit too simply but I downloaded it and found that is just not over complicated! There were a few doorways which didn't exactly match on both sides of the teleporter but over all its a good map to have a break from serious competitive games on!