This Glitch is that when i try uploading to my fileshare it says the file has been created offline and canno't be uploaded, but the file i have been trying to upload was created online. Things i have tried to fix the problem * Change my online settings * Created multiple files to see if any work, sometimes it works. does anyone know how to fix this problem
Take your xbox 360 console. Pull out the cords. Hold it in the air. And throw it out the nearest window. Problem fix'd
You 100% sure that will work. No but this problem glitch is really getting annoying, like i will save a film while im online and it can be uploaded, but if i recored a film clip it will say that it has been recored offline and can not be uploaded.
Hmmm. I'm not quite sure what to say. I've had that happen to me like 2 times in H3, but so far not in Reach. I guess u could try getting a friend to look at it, have them save it from their recent downloads, then send it to you so you can put it in your fileshare? I don't know what a long-term fix would be tho :/
I,ve been trying to fix it, by changing different settings but no luck so far, it could just be my internet stuffing up aswell i don't know ill try doing it at my friends house to see if that works.
So you have change the network settings in game, on your xbox system settings, or both? Because I found that the "say that im offline/ away" option screws with certain stuff.. Also in game there is "Y" for network settings. Which is what i assume your talking about when you say you "Change my online settings" Other than that, maybe you have a weird connection, or a wierd firewall. Like are you strick, moderate of open?
It could be that my connection is on moderate but if i can upload images and full films, but not little film clips there has to be something wrong, not with my connection but something on bungie end.
Your GT might be getting caught by bungies 18th century profanity filter. I swear I put 'Womens Suffrage' as a tag on one of my maps and it got BLAMed