
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by jovial1, Oct 25, 2010.

  1. jovial1

    jovial1 Forerunner

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    Anomaly is a symmetrical map I've been playing with built for up to four teams of four to play Assault, CTF, Stockpile or Slayer. It's a symmetrical map built in the Colosseum.


    The map features four bases in the corners of the Colosseum.


    Anomaly features the following weapons:

    8 x Plasma Grenade (2 in each base)
    4 x Needler
    4 x Shotgun
    2 x DMR
    2 x Needle Rifle
    2 x Assault Rifle
    2 x Plasma Repeater
    1 x Concussion Rifle
    1 x Grenade Launcher
    1 x Plasma Launcher

    I've tried to ensure that the weapon pickups are balanced by either having one in the same location in each quadrant of the map, or having the weapon centrally located so that each team has an equal chance of reaching it.

    Anomaly has an elevated pathway that runs around the circumference of the Colosseum easily accessed from each quarter. The ground floor of the arena is fairly open to allow for some good fights, but cover is available both towards the center and the edges of the map. It's a map that not only uses the area of the arena floor, but builds vertically to allow multiple escape or attack options.


    You can download Anomaly here:
    #1 jovial1, Oct 25, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2010
  2. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
    Senior Member

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    First of all, if this is a map preview, then it shouldn't have a download link... just sayin'

    Anyways, when I initially saw the first picture I was like, "Wow, that looks confusing." But I now realize it's symmetrical.. which definitely cuts down on the confusing factor.
    Oh, and it seems odd that you have to jump in order to get the flag. I for one think maps should be fairly walkable (meaning little to no jumping needed) throughout. But that's just one instance... the other sections look good.

    In all honesty, it seems like a standard FH map. It looks like you've tried to change up the aesthetics a bit... but I think you should try a little harder on something truly mind-boggling :p

    Good luck!
  3. jovial1

    jovial1 Forerunner

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    The download link's at the very bottom of my first post, right below the last screenshot actually. I'll post it again right here. : Halo Reach : File Details

    I see what you mean about having to jump onto the platform to nab the flag. That's something I should be able to adjust without too much difficulty.

    I started initially wanting to make an Infection map, but ultimately I think it's stronger as an objective/Slayer map. I was trying to take a 'less is more' approach to the design. (There's a bit of flair added to the Plasma Launcher spawn by a friend, but for the most part I wanted the gameplay to do the talking.)

    I hope you'll download it and give it a look. My other map, Bunker, has a stronger effort towards the aesthetics. For that map I've actually tried to create an enclosed structure mostly from whole cloth. You can see the preview for that one here. It's also got a download link towards the bottom of the post.
  4. wargex

    wargex Forerunner

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    I really don't think that you understand what ER1C0 just said... He said
    "First of all, if this is a map preview, then it shouldn't have a download link... just sayin'"
    That kinda means why do you have a download link it makes no sense not would you post it up again

    If this is not a map preview you should prob post this up some where else...

    Anyway the map looks good from the few screenshots you have, but its too hard too tell whats really going on you should take a few more screenshots of your map to show a bit more of it.

    Along with what ER1C0 just said having to where a player has too jump would be a pain.
    #4 wargex, Oct 25, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2010
  5. jovial1

    jovial1 Forerunner

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    Gah. English Comprehension Fail. I blame having been up to late.

    I'm pretty new to Forge Hub (the two maps I posted last night are the second and third I've gotten to the point where I'm ready to show them to others.) I thought that people might enjoy downloading them just to get a better look at them. If I've made a breach of etiquette, I'm sorry.

    I took a few other shots, but I've got the fileshare-size bottleneck. I'll see if I can't get a few more out though.
  6. Portal of Souls

    Portal of Souls Forerunner

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    Yeah Jovial, only a slight error on your behalf. This thread is more meant for when your map is either incomplete or not fully tested yet and is meant to get the community intrigued with your map. If your ready to have the public look at and play your map thats meant to be in the Halo:Reach Maps section and then placed under the appropriate category, (Competitive, Aesthetic, MLG...etc.)

    Small error.
  7. jovial1

    jovial1 Forerunner

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    I'll keep that in mind for the future.

    Neither of these maps have been tested yet, though. My friends list is far from expansive and many of them have dropped Reach, or haven't been interested in the game in the first place.

    I'm trying to figure out the best way to pull together a custom game or two so I can see how it flows in reality - as opposed to in my own noggin. :)

    Thanks for the explanation, though. I'll make sure to keep that in mind for the future.
  8. Portal of Souls

    Portal of Souls Forerunner

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    Feel free to submit your map for testing here Testers Guild. Just make sure to follow the rules.

    I actually joined the testers guild recently but I have been unsure of how to build a team to play maps, so I am currently inactive. Learning the ropes I guess.
  9. jovial1

    jovial1 Forerunner

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    Actually, I did submit Anomaly to the Tester's Guild last night. I'm eager to hear back once someone's played it. I haven't looked into the criteria, but joining the guild sounds like something I might be interested in.

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