Radiation (Willing Testers Please)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Portal of Souls, Oct 24, 2010.

  1. Portal of Souls

    Portal of Souls Forerunner

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    Map in Progress: Radiation
    Players: Designed for 8-16
    Gametype Support: Assault, Neutral Bomb Assault, One Bomb Assault, Capture the Flag, One Flag CTF, King of the Hill, Crazy King, and Stockpile.

    Current Weapons:
    1 Spartan Laser
    1 Rocket Launcher
    2 Sniper Rifles
    2 DMRs
    2 Needle Rifles
    1 Needler
    1 Plasma Repeater
    2 Assault Rifles
    1 Grenade Launcher
    7 Frag Grenades
    2 Plasma Pistols
    6 Plasma Grenades
    2 Mounted Machine Guns

    Current Vehicle Set Up:
    2 Machine Gun Warthogs
    2 Ghosts
    4 Mongoose

    By silvence at 2010-10-24
    Here is the first look at my newest map. Currently titled Radiation, though that is likely to change as I know for fact that at least one other map here on forgehub is already claiming that title. This shot is an upward angle of one of the focal points on the map. Using several antenna satellite pieces I worked together a rounded-three-opening and then used the dish pieces to give this area a hollowed playing area. This is rocket spawn.
    By silvence at 2010-10-24
    This Builing is the only other building on the map and the long hallway is the Laser spawn. On the front of the building you can see a shorter ramp. This ramp is used to accept incoming cannoned men.
    By silvence at 2010-10-24
    You can see in this shot the entirety of the map. Also of note the afore mentioned man cannon from what I will call center. The concept of this map began with the dish and antenna structure and then the pieces around it were meant to "radiate" out from this structure.

    You can also see the large half-round structures, two of the three offer a man cannon ride to top center and top center is a one-way ticket to Laser Spawn.

    The tall rock structures on each side of the map are home to the plasma pistols and each of the walkway covers on the ground offers support weapons, whether it be plasma grenades or the grenade launcher.
    By silvence at 2010-10-24
    This is your beginning lay out in all team games. Minus the Warthog in FFA matches.
    By silvence at 2010-10-24
    A view from red sniper spawn, in the distance blue has an opposing setup that mimics this side of the map. A good sniper in this position is hard to remove, but his ammo is limited, and his weapon of choice has a long respawn.
    By silvence at 2010-10-24
    Blue Base mimicing the red. That Arched rock is home to all the beginning spawns in team games and is also where flags and assault goals resides.

    I am looking for willing testers to try out games on this map. Please respond.​
  2. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    You might want to remove the roof on the centerpiece of your map because that would allow players to climb up without a jetpack (having places accessible almost exclusively by jetpack is bad) and because it would better display the light and fit with the radial geometry. Also be sure not to place too many power weapons in the tower so if one team takes it over, the game does not become one sided. Overall your map looks great.
  3. Dizzyman572

    Dizzyman572 Forerunner

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    Nice map. I can't wait to download it when you release it. Will this be for Invasion as well?
  4. Lunarian

    Lunarian Forerunner

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    I like the design of the center base...or whatever you want to call it.

    The only thing out of place in this map for me...based on your pictures are the sand bags. Idk, for some reason I think using natural/rocks would be better suited.
  5. Portal of Souls

    Portal of Souls Forerunner

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    Thanks Pyro, and other commenters. Pyro I originally started the map without the roof, but ultimately a sniper on either side of the base had too much of a clear view and truly would dominate the map, so I needed to break LOS. I tried a few different things, but this gave the map extra playground. I understand your concern, it very well may be a valid one. I really need to test before I change that though. Right now I think with how open the center roof is to both snipers, and DMR + NRs, plus the two man cannons that it should be balanced. I'll definately look into it though and make adjustments as necessary.

    Dizzyman, I think you asked about invasion. Sorry but I don't have intentions for that, comes back to that whole no inspiration when it comes to Invasion. Maybe when we link up to pass of Primordium, you can come and take a look at this too and offer up advice or we can work on it together if you think the map has promise for Invasion as well.

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