Lifted base problems...advice?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Lunarian, Oct 25, 2010.

  1. Lunarian

    Lunarian Forerunner

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    So...I built a base that is lifted high above the ground but I'm worried about people just tossing the flag out of a window to the lower ground for somebody to pick up and carry it away to the other base across the map. Does anyone have any suggestions in how I could fix this without blocking windows of the base...? Obvious solution would be to build it above water...however that is something I can't do.

    The other solution would be to have a bunch of killballs under the base but those cost too many resources...and I currently have $0.

    Another possible solution...if possible...would be to set the auto-flag return to 3-5 seconds.

    These are all the solutions I could think of but they would all be hard to implement without having to change the map play style...
  2. Em0srawk

    Em0srawk Forerunner

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    I think that putting a soft kill zone by the window will sort it out, when an objective item hits a kill zone it resets.
  3. Lunarian

    Lunarian Forerunner

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    Awesome! Thanks! I just looked up what the kill zones do. I messed around with them once before within forge mode but I didn't die when I walked into them. Not sure if it had to do with Forge mode or what. But just looked up what they did. Thank you!
    #3 Lunarian, Oct 25, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2010
  4. R3CON

    R3CON Forerunner

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    the kill zones/safe zones aren't active in forge. You have to load up a custom game for them to become active.
  5. Lunarian

    Lunarian Forerunner

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    Ahhh ok. They should do that with killballs as well... I've ran into a couple of my own killballs many times when re-editing maps with killballs in them.
  6. Em0srawk

    Em0srawk Forerunner

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    Just make monitors invincible before you start forging.
  7. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    is it possible to consider incoporating the flag toss out the window into the map's design instead?

    For example, its very difficult to fight your way into the defense base, but once you do, you can toss the flag down to your waiting teammates. It would make for some awesome, dynamic strategy.
  8. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That idea's totally original!
  9. Lunarian

    Lunarian Forerunner

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    I'll get some screenshots of the map at some point. I need to reactivate Gold. Been wanting to download a lot of these maps people make. But yeah...Incorporating wouldn't work as the other base is built on the beach of the gultch. It wouldn't be fair for one team to be able to do it and not the other.

    I thought about making a 'fake' ocean using the blue grids (100.00 each) and surrounding them with walls.. like a sand box..but more like an ocean box as the grids are blue in color. This little box would be at the ground level. I thought itd be a good idea but I literally have nothing left to build with. Oh yeah... and to make it so the flag depops, and you die...I'll have kill zones sticking out of the grids. I think its a great idea but:

    I think I have about 7 "Doors/Windows" left to use and to make this open ended box I need 10. I've tried everything I could to free up some door/window space but there is nothing to swap out/change w/o messing the base up - at least to my standards.

    I tried just making very thin soft kill boxes but then I remembered: Someone could jump off... and after passing the "Soft kill" thin layer box zone.. drop the flag and then die. Yeah... if you could pull it off... bravo, but the other base doesn't have that problem so it'd make an unbalanced map.

    I don't really want to make a huge box that extends to the ground either as I don't want to see people dying on ground level...Also don't want to see aerial vehicles dying. The whole timer thing would get annoying I think.

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