Well here are my 3 new maps none of them have names yet and the last 2 maps do not have weapons or spawns yet and none of them are finished. Full View Red Base Blue Base Next Map Last Map Overview Red Base Blue Base The centerish place So there are my three new maps tell me what you think I wouldn't mind some help
Those rocks for the borders should be more varied. It absolutely kills aesthetics to see the same rock used over and over again, not even rotated. See how bad it looks. Vary that stuff up . Make some kool looking cliffs with a number of different rocks.
Well with the second map atm they are only there so I could no the barrier it was easier that way but I will change it to make it look better thanks
I agree with that, just rotate them, flip a couple upside down, maybe mix in a couple arches turned sideways. You don't want anything on your map that looks like it was done with the Photoshop clone tool, even if it's just a generic boundary wall.
Just use a softkill area To wall it off. To many forge maps have walls all around to close the map when a soft kill area will keep the players where u want them.
I hope you take no offense when I say the following, but these maps are not that good, both visually, and how I'd imagine they would play. As someone above me pointed out, the "rock wall" looks like crap. I hate seeing "natural" pieces used in a way that doesn't look, well, natural. When you have more than 1 next to each other, the least you could do is try to make them look like different pieces. As for everything else, it honestly looks like you just threw a bunch of Forge objects around until you came up with your end result. Again, I don't intentionally say these things to offend you; I'm hoping you take what I say, and make me shut my mouth by creating awesome maps that I have nothing but praise to give on. For right now however, these ain't it... my opinions only, of course.