How would one go of remaking a halo map? Lets see you don't have Halo 2 (My case) So you cant get a Hands on look at it. You haven't a clue where to see a full over head of said map. (Foundation again in my case) and since Forgotten Treasures is on a roll many people are wondering were to get said INFO? So I ask you GIGANTA-FORGEMUNITY exactly how do YOU go of remaking a map. Replies You can typically find a few videos on youtube - a lot of maps have uploads of people doing a walk-through, or you can simply find a recording of someone's game of slayer. This, coupled with a few googled screenshots of different angles gives a lot of handy perspective and scale Credited: PyroDragn
For my remake I actually did have a copy of Halo 2 to wander around the map and get a close up personal view on things - However, most of the time it was too hassling to keep swapping out my copy of reach to go and have another look at one detail. You can typically find a few videos on youtube - a lot of maps have uploads of people doing a walk-through, or you can simply find a recording of someone's game of slayer. This, coupled with a few googled screenshots of different angles gives a lot of handy perspective and scale
MMmmkay Ill try It but I wanted to ultimately make this a tut on how to get references for remakes so Ill add the replies to the OP
you could download a remake in H3. lol. like if you had a mac or something, even though having a pc would definitely not benefit you, because downloading a torrented version would be out of the question. i think we have had at least mediocre remakes of every single console halo map worth playing. we probably have all of the MW2 maps by now too. soon enough, remakes are all going to be done to death.
Go to and buy a used copy of Halo 2. You can get one now for less than $10. If you have a decent computer, you should get Halo 2: Vista. That way you'll be able to walk around the original while forging the remake. If you want to make a decent remake, you need to spend some time in the original map and take it all in. Pictures never truly do a map justice. I hope this helped.
Try wading through the giant piles of remakes already on forgehub, and the average of everything in those should be quite close to the actual map. As the title says, remake a remake.
Lol, so true, except for the bigger or more complex ones that Bungie would have to remake themselves (sidewinder). But yes, IMO remakes are already done to death, you search for any map, for example boarding action. You can download like 20 different versions with 3-5 of them playing pretty dang close to the origional.
There is truly nothing that compares to actually walking around the old map, while making Hematoma I spent almost as much time playing Halo 2 as I did forging, counting how many jumps it takes to span a certain distance, checking corners edges and angles. Only having one xbox/tv hindered my ability to forge with continuity but if you want to be serious with making a remake close as possible (like suggested) buy Halo 2 vista or Halo 2 for xbox and just go back and forth