Hey FH! Got a pretty sweet map (well i think it is anyway and hopefully you do too!) It's set over the water next to the waterfall in forge world. When making the map i made sure that there are some good sight lines, balanced power weapons. Hopefully with some feedback from alot of people i can fix some minor problems but hopefully the general idea of the map is good. Enjoy and please leave feedback ppl eating ppl
Enough is enough! I've had it with these MONKEY FIGHTING noobs posting on this MONDAY TO FRIDAY forum! READ THE RULES! You NEED a picture and a map description. [Read the rules here]
Hey sorry, I'm at work atm and obviously don't have access to screenshots at the moment, will put them up when i get home. Just found out about this site and figured the sooner i put it up the more views it'll get. I know i'm a noob at forums and **** but i'll get there one day. Is there a way for me to delete this post? I'll re-post it later on tonight with a better description and some screenshots to save myself from more comments like this? ppl eating ppl EDIT: Oh and just realised that i double posted the map. so if there is a way to delete i'll scratch that one too