I wanted to try something fun here: I call the idea "Core". Its an upside-down satellite antenna that stays in place, but rotates. In the center would be a floating kill ball. The base it sits on is the easy part. To make it move, I've set the physics to normal and have been trying to angle vehicle man cannons in just the right spot. What it really needs is something in the center of the antenna, like a column or pillar. This would help to stabilize it and prevent it from being tossed around. Kinda like giving it a guide track to follow. However, it would be best if it was round and Forge did not feel like blessing us with anything thin and cylindrical. Thus, making my own rounded pillar would be overly expensive and probably laggy. tl;dr I'm looking for any ideas or comments/questions/quandaries/queries relating to single point rotating objects.
I was under the impression that setting "Normal" on immovable objects only made it like Halo 3 objects where they only couldn't phase or stay fixed. After being at rest for a couple seconds they will become immovable again, is this not true?
The key is that due to the man cannons, the structure never is "at rest". I am under the impression, though, that once you leave the Forge session, the structure's spawn point would "set" and it wouldn't move until you reselect it in another Forge session. EDIT: @OP: Eight upright rotated 5x1 building blocks should create a decently large pillar. Double the length with eight more and you should have a fairly secure pillar, provided your structure (whose ability to move outside of Forge is still apparently unexplained) doesn't have a tendency to move upward.
Yeah, it's a cool idea in concept, but I don't think it will pan out in actual games, unfortunately wait, but what if you set the antenna to spawn after the man cannons, so as soon as the antenna spawns, it is under the influence of the man cannons? I don't know if Reach's physics engine would like that, but you could try.
The object will still spawn at rest, so no luck sorry. Immovable objects are just meant to be immovable.
Would making it fall out of the sky onto/into the rotation mechanism make it work, a la Halo 3, or would customs cause it to spawn in the sky and stay in the sky?
For immovable objects: wherever they spawn, that's where they stay. Think of Halo 3's boxes on Sandbox. Normal physics, but once they're placed, they "set".
After extensive testing and laborious research I have discovered that Rifte is the master of Forge. i.e. - Structures don't move in Custom Game. Even after spawning later and/or in mid air with grav lifts and God pushing on it. That brick will not budge. Oh well, worth a shot. Thanks for the insight, at least it was only a small aesthetic part of the map.
Also to extend this out there, a couple weeks ago i tried making a map that required a flashlight (moving LIGHT) and i could move it in forge using normal physics but it would stay in the place it was last in whenever i started a new round/went to customs oh well