Remake Guardian v2

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by po po434, Oct 22, 2010.

  1. po po434

    po po434 Forerunner
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    i have spent the past 2 weeks working on this and even though there are 100's of
    guardian remakes out there i trust that it is the most accurate,
    -----------------New for V2-------------------
    infection has been added to supported game types
    reduced items used by over 1000$ removing the frame rate drop
    health packs added to optimize game play with standard game types
    moved the green light so you can no longer stand on it
    fixed the glitch where you would get stuck under the cannon men
    improved kill barriers on the top of the map for game types with jetpacs
    removed my gamer tag from the map to reduce frame rate drop
    improved sniper 1 room to be more like the original
    added a soft kill barrier to the bottom of the map to stop people from hiding





    if you enjoy the map please recommend it to your friends.
  2. zx Apollyon xz

    zx Apollyon xz Forerunner

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    You're the biggest Jerk I have ever seen. First word/phrase that make sense is what has been improved. After that is saying what is better.

    I think it is a wonderfully done map. Out of all the remake I've seen of this map, this is the best. You actually paid attention to the ground and scenery, not just the structure. Grass, REAL Grass. Not some metal.
  3. just defy

    just defy Ancient
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    lol troll much?

    anyways this looks like the best remake ive seen so far so great job on your part man.

    but it needs the thing floating over the middle part !!
  4. PeteTacular 42

    PeteTacular 42 Forerunner

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    I see you did a good job reserving some of your budget, but I think other things go into play as a result in frame rate drop. For example, while I looked over your map in forge mode, I noticed it lagged when I looked in the direction of your center piece. I'm not sure exactly what causes it, but I think it has to do with pieces being over geo-merged. I tested it out. If you delete those extra blocks in center (right where your 4 spawns are placed) it took away the lag in that general area. Those big blocks were only covering small gaps, so I think it helps if you mess around and figure out what pieces works better for certain areas. And it wasn't just that area, I experienced lag in a lot of places. I could be wrong though, because I'm not sure if frame rate tends to be worse in forge. If it is just as bad in custom games, then I would suggest making those kind of improvements. Otherwise, well done.

    I do like how the map is done on the water-- very unique and deferent. I have this cool idea though, and I think it would go well with the environment. If you replace those 2 blocks (used as a wall where the sniper rests) with a rock or rocks, then I think it would give a neat feel to that area. Especially because the green light is illuminating on that wall.
  5. po po434

    po po434 Forerunner
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    thanks for your feedback, as for the frame rate drop it does lag a lot more in forge mode. as for the rock for the sniper wall i was thinking about doing it but i am out of rocks and it would hard to delete any.
  6. Stopex

    Stopex Forerunner
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    I'm letting everyone know, "XVXV 3 VXVX" is a secondary account.
    "po po434" Posted the idiotic reply using "XVXV 3 VXVX" just to get other members to reply to "XVXV 3 VXVX" I know it sounds dumb but, the account "XVXV 3 VXVX" HAS ONE POST, and thats on this thread.
    Why do you think that "XVXV 3 VXVX" has ONE post?
    Why do you think its against "po po434" ?
    I've talked to "po po434" once before, he was really intended to getting his "Guardian remake" known. He said, "I will do what ever it takes to get it known"
    (YOU may report this post if you'd like, I'm sorry if its considered trolling or what not but, I really wanted to let everyone know)

    #6 Stopex, Oct 23, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2010
  7. po po434

    po po434 Forerunner
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    well i admit it would seem as it this were true if not for a few things.
    first off when you put something in quotations you really should make sure the person your quoting said it. when we talked i never said "I will do what ever it takes to get it known" however you said ":] mine has 40,000 downloads"(witch is not true by the way it was at 25k when i checked) to witch i replied
    downloads mean nothing, anyone can name their map Kat nude and get that many.
    also the day he made that post i asked a few times in the chat if someone could delete the post as i felt it made my map sound poorly map when he didn't even download it.
    i think you are just sore because you made a guardian remake.
  8. Stopex

    Stopex Forerunner
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    If you've ever seen "Disturbed Frog's Edited Version" of my map. (He fixed lifts and set weapons to normal)
    his version has 15,000 DLS.
    Mine has 25,000 DLS
    40,000 Altogether.
  9. po po434

    po po434 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    oh I'm sorry you didn't make that clear.
  10. kingeedorah

    kingeedorah Forerunner

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    Definitely still lags when looking at the center of the map, you have WAY too many pieces merged there. Seems worse when looking at it from green than from the blue room. Also, you can't make the jump from gold to blue (edit: or from the elbow below to blue), which is (in my opinion) a pretty important jump, and green feels cramped. There are a few other issues, but I don't want to seem nitpicky here and those are the major ones.
    #10 kingeedorah, Oct 27, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2010
  11. x black kn1ght

    x black kn1ght Ancient
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    This is due to forgeworld as all the spawns and objective items will make the map flash and lag in places. Custom games will really test if theres framerate drops. Theres almost always going to be flashing/framerate lag in forgeworld.
  12. po po434

    po po434 Forerunner
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    yeah that's why i made sure to make the objective items gametype specific.

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