Remake Ice Cream Man (The Street)

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Podrocketpwnage, Oct 17, 2010.

  1. Podrocketpwnage

    Podrocketpwnage Forerunner

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    Do you remember Ice Cream Man from Halo 3? I loved it, so I decided to make as close of a remake as Reach's forge would allow. (With some of my own personal touches of course.)

    My remake goes a little like this:

    -The Infected are very slow, and have higher gravity.
    -The Infected have to walk a certain distance to a custom power up that will allow them to kill the one human.
    -The Human spawns next to a Warthog, and he has to splatter the Infected before they get to the custom powerup.
    -The Infected have 4x of each grenade at spawn, and can use these grenades to thwart the Human's attempt at splattering them. Due to Reach's inability to provide respawning grenades in the game settings, instantly respawning grenades are placed on small platforms on the walls the pathway.
    -The Infected can grab the two health packs placed halfway down the path to heal up.

    Custom Gametype:
    -Download my "Ice Cream Man" variant to play.
    -Since Reach's game settings do not let you select the percentage of Infected, before you start you MUST set the number of infected to one less than the party size.



    ^Human (Ice Cream Man) spawn


    ^Infected Spawn - Look at that epic Ice Cream cone!




    ^Get stuck!
    #1 Podrocketpwnage, Oct 17, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2010
  2. Dabobyjoeson

    Dabobyjoeson Forerunner

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    one question, are vehicle indestructable?
  3. Hyper Bang

    Hyper Bang Forerunner

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    I rememeber playing on the streets when i was a kid buying ice cream fro...

    Anyway I LIKE IT. Me and friends played it with 8 people,it gets a bit crowded!
  4. Timmy510

    Timmy510 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    um i was playing this with three of my friends and one of them spawned outside the map
  5. Podrocketpwnage

    Podrocketpwnage Forerunner

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    Timmy you have to set the number of infected for one less than the party size or that will happen. It sucks, I know. I took the map off my fileshare.
  6. jdb1917

    jdb1917 Forerunner

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    another issue to whoever made this map, if the ice cream man dies the game does not end. the way i fixed this problem is by:
    1. having the ice cream man as human and the rest as zombies.
    2. making it so achieving a score of 10 ends the round.
    3. take 10 and divide it by the number of zombies (fat kids).

    hope this helps :D

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