BEE HIVE by Monster Pug PLEASE POST FEEDBACK *UPDATE: any cracks or holes to the outside have been sealed and the bottom floor is now smooth and doesn't stand out. Gametype lengths are shorter and motion sensor has been taken off in all gametypes. For Queen Bee, the queen now has unlimited jet-packing.* This map was inspired by the custom map on Foundry in Halo 3 known as Rumble Pit but not at all the same. You spawn in rooms opened to a center area that loosely look like honeycombs. Some of these rooms have power weapons but the map is difficult to memorize when everything looks the same. The map is about 4-5 levels high. I worked really hard on this map and it is my first forge map and would love to know that people are playing it. I made it just for fun and the map is meant just for fun! Each player is yellow, has two random weapons, and spawns with a jet-pack in each gametype of Bees, Bumble Pit, Stingers, and Queen Bee because they are suppose to resemble a bee. Bees - slayer but every player is yellow, has two random weapons, and has a jet-pack : Halo Reach : File Details Bumble Pit - I named this gametype after Rumble Pit (custom game in Halo 3), which is when each player spawns with two weapons and is granted one life. Players gain points with certain kills and being the last alive. : Halo Reach : File Details Stingers - same as Bees but with just swords : Halo Reach : File Details Queen Bee - just Juggernaut but with jet-packs and yellow armor : Halo Reach : File Details The Bee Hive New Bottom Floor Intense Battle The Queen Bee in the Queen Bee The Bee Hive A BEE! The Queen Bee is hungry! Stingers! More pics: PLEASE GIVE ME FEEDBACK AND DOWNLOAD ENJOY! Any problems with links comment below
The changes you made don't sound all that major. Definitely not enough to start TWO new threads. Simply update your first post and have a mod lock the others. By posting your map this many times you're knocking others maps off the first page.
Next time update the link on the other thread. Not cool at all man. Not fair to every one else's maps.
What they said. But on the plus side, this looks pretty damn innovative! I never would have thought of using those rock pieces as such a crucial element in a map, so kudos for that! After map viewing edit: Map does look like it could provide some VERY fun free for all gametypes, could be set up for multiteam aswell!, maybe infection, have the humans spawn on the floor, and the zombie spawn in one of the 'honeycombs'? Some of the forging is a little messy and could use fine tuning, but on the whole, pretty damn fun looking! I'll be testing this with a few mates when i can to see how it plays
Yeah I realized. 1: I wasn't sure how to update links. 2. I don't why it posted twice. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Thanks for the feedback! Tell me what you think after. and I am sorry for the double posting and not updating.
Can you tell me how you made people get points for being the last man standing? I thought you could only do that in Infection. It is for a new game I am making. Thanks.
You go to game settings and click on Slayer settings(in this case I think you are talking about Bumble Pit) and a whole list of what earns points or not comes up. Did you play my map? Like it? Hate it? [br][/br]Edited by merge: You click on where it says download link: DOWNLOAD NOW and then it will bring up Bungie's website and then you want to click Download but you need to be signed in so if you are not sign it. Then it will be queued to download and soon it will be under Forgeworld map variants! Tell me what you think after you play it!
I just played this map with a group of my friends and there is one word to describe it: AWESOME! I never played so much Halo in my life! GREAT MAP!!!
WOW! i. am. impressed. i thought your un-updated map was great, but this one really enhances everything that was good about the first one and fixes everything that needed improvement. the subtle fixes and chances in this updated map really bring it to a new light and I am telling you that I will be playing this map and its game types for years to come. Thank you so much!