Okay, so this is a remake/revisioned version of a map which we played (and thoroughly enjoyed) countless times on Halo 3, so credit for the idea goes to whoever made that one in the first place! I am also aware that there is another remake of this, just recently posted, so my apologies for posting something similar (hopefully with my own twists, it should play differently). - Most of the play area - I'll walk you through the map (unfortunately i've changed the asthetics since play testing it last so don't have any action shots.. yet). The basic idea is for the humans to drive their vehicle of choice (between ghost or mongoose) to splatter the zombies, zombies have to utilise speed/timing and the odd plasma pistol to bring down the humans one by one. - Zombie resources - Unfortunately, due to bungies change in custom game settings, honour rules will have to apply, as it's impossible to make the humans only able to splatter the zombie, they will also be able to shoot, but very few people have done this in my play tests (it's a LOT more fun to splatter ;D). Humans can't jump, walk pretty slowly & have no armor abilities - starting weapon pistol. Zombies can jump, can pick up plasma pistols and have swords and unlimited hologram (one at a time though kids). Unlimited hologram for the zombies makes for some Pretttty crazy games. (the amount of times i've tried to splatter a few people in a row to have them just go right through me! - Arena view - Now, I am one to believe that two way shields can ruin the asthetics of the map, so once down into the main arena, humans wont be able to get back up (due to a well placed block). One thing which has been quite fun for people who've play tested my map, is the anti-spawn-camping method i've set in place. In the human spawn, at around 30 seconds in, you'll get your first (and only) warning, consisting of a few fusion coils, and mines, if these don't get you, you might want to exit the premises pretty shortly.. - Erm... guys... where did these come from? - If you don't you'll soon meet your doom (after around 50 seconds of not playing/spawn camping). - "OMGWTFTHEY'REROLLINGTOWARDSMEAHHH", actual quote. - Okay, okay, i didn't want all of these spawn campers to instantly become zombies because this might make the game end, humans respawn after suicide/horrible spawn-camping-related death above the arena and float down to become the zombie feast. (this also includes people who join the game late). If you are to find yourself trapped in the zombie spawn with nothing but your wits and your pistol, you may want to consider an alternate career... OR you could look up, and make use of the emergency-vehicle, simply by shooting the fusion coil, you'll have yourself back on a speedy floatation device in no time, ready to run down some zombies (well, if you don't get eaten waiting to flip it over). - Use in case of emergencies only, or to fall on a zombie, well, IT MIGHT HAPPEN ONE DAY?! - This concludes my map/post. If there's any problems with either of them, please let me know. I haven't made use of forgehub in a while, and am glad to be back!
Looks very interesting. Never played the original myself, but i can't wait to play it. As soon as i get more people to play, I'll give you some more feed back. But the only thing that I can say right now, is that it looks great
Thanks man! With the pittance of credits bungie are awarding(?) players for playing custom games rather than matchmaking, i think it's dragging more people away from something that always made the games fantastic. The ability to have hours of entertainment with your own game types and settings, i'm one of the ones striving to keep it going After playtesting, any feedback suggestions would be MUCH appreciated, though please note that a few things aren't possible in Reach that were in H3 (alpha zombie traits for example) and that we have to work with what we're given.
I totally ROFL'd when I read the emergency vehicle part. Great map dude. Even better than the original.
Instead of having explosives kill people in the vehicle room, why not just set a kill zone to spawn there after whatever seconds? Explosives aren't very reliable, but kill zones definitely are.
Good question, And the reason why i dont, is because you actually can't! :| For some strange reason, Bungie have made it so that you can set kill zones to spawn during the game, but they'll always spawn in/go into effect at the start! And the killballs are pretty damn reliable, we had fun making sure you couldn't avoid them, & I wanted them because they are more fun