I'm not sure if I'm the first to post this, but here goes. Since weapons set to fixed or phased physics are notoriously glitchy, and any attempt to set the weapon to normal will cause it to fall in-game, I found a method to make weapons float with an improvised weapon holder of sorts. It's pretty simple: 1. Place a "Flag Stand" object in midair. 2. Balance the weapon on top of it. This might take some work, depending on the weapon. The end result will look something like this: Objective objects such as the flag stand will not affect players, but will affect weapons, allowing them to balance without any hindrance to the players. As a side note, I tried doing the same with respawn zones because their markers are invisible in-game and allow for weapons to balance on them, but in-game they disappear as a physical object altogether. I hope you guys find this useful.
There's also a series of steps that one can do in forge that will allow a weapon to float while retaining its normal physics (it can also be walked through as well). I can't really think straight since I'm so tired, so I'll let another forger who knows the trick post the method (or if no one does by tomorrow, I can). (This post took way too long to write =[)
they strained the game physics a bit too much, and im not sure if bungie thought that fixed weapons would replace them or not.
There is another way to do this, if you make the weapon phased or fixed and put it where you want than release the weapon and click x you can change it to normal and it will stay in the same state it was placed it (so long as you dont try to move it)
...until you start a new round or a new game, which is kind of necessary to play your map outside of Forge; then, the weapon spawns in air and falls immediately. Which you'd know if you tested that or read the replies people post whenever that dubious solution is offered.
I know I hate being given this answer like 20 times, it's a really annoying repetitive answer, that just shows how much people actually test their maps. But flag stand is a pretty neat trick, even though I still wish bungie would fix it the way it should be
I found a method with my bro while forging i was wodering if he picked up teh sword before it hit the ground would it work? Wen my bro picked it up and i strted anew round it was floating. So ya
I honestly don't mind seeing weapons laying on the ground. For Aesthetic reasons...I can see why people would want to hang their weapons on the wall but...eh. I think the flag holder as a weapon holder thing is an Awesome, amazing idea though.
I tried this this morning - I placed a Normal-physics weapon and caught it in midair - but when I started a new round it proceeded to fall from where I had picked it up. Sorry, but your method doesn't seem to work. If you can provide a video showing that it does, or showing how to do this if I did it wrong, that'd be much appreciated.