
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Epolixa, Oct 24, 2010.

  1. Epolixa

    Epolixa Forerunner

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    The latest Covenant shuttles, though small, are surprisingly reliable in most large-scale combat situations.


    MUAHAHAHA! I have RETURNED! What's that you say? "When did you leave"? ...

    Anyway, Engagement is a map designed specifically for Invasion and my second Forgehub contribution. Oh, and don't worry...nobody's getting married...

    en-gage-ment [en-geyj-muhnt] -noun
    - an encounter, conflict, or battle: We have had two very costly engagements with the enemy this week alone.

    I've been taking my sweet time with this one, ensuring that your experiences with this map will be optimal. Not to mention this is my first take at an Invasion map. This means that I'm open for any comments, suggestions, or criticism that could help improve this map. I did have a couple specific concerns with gameplay, but more on that later. How's about we begin with a Phase-by-Phase breakdown? Brace for screenshots...


    OFFENSE (Elites)
    Weapons on Map
    - (N/A)
    Vehicles on Map
    - Ghost (1)
    - Warrior (Plasma Repeater, Plasma Pistol; Plasma Grenade (2); Evade)
    - Assassin (Needler; Plasma Grenade (2); Active Camo)

    Capture and open the Gatehouse to gain access to the human intelligence compound

    DEFENSE (Spartans)
    Weapons on Map
    - (N/A)
    Vehicles on Map
    - Mongoose (1)
    - Scout (Assault Rifle, Magnum; Frag Grenade (2); Sprint)

    Defend the Gatehouse and prevent the Covenant from advancing towards the ONI outpost


    Cool ship, bro

    If you haven't already noticed, Engagement features a Covenant ship. I'd like to call it a Corvette, but that would be blasphemous. It does look pretty sick in my opinion, though.

    In Phase 1, the Elites have to capture the Gatehouse so they can move on to the island, where the Spartans have set up a cute little ONI base. The Elites teleport down from their...mini...corvette...thing... and must then run up a hill to capture the one of the two objectives.

    Phase 1 overview

    The Gatehouse

    Personally, I feel like Phase 1 is kind of boring...but the other two Phases make up for its lack of intensity. Sometimes while I was playtesting with my buddies, I'd purposely let the Elites get through here just to get the next Phase. I know. I'm disgusting.

    Ghost to coast

    Oh yeah, and the teleporters... They're one of the coolest parts of the map as well as one of the most infuriating to perfect in forge. You see, the receiving end of the ship's main teleporter will change with the Phases, that way you won't have to travel a gazillion miles to get to your next objective. However, any teleporters from the previous Phases will still be able to send you back up. Another thing...vehicles teleport down from the ship, but they are not allowed to return back up. Originally, I wanted the vehicles to be able to retreat and find safety back in the ship, but the way the teleporters work with forge geometry can get pretty wacky, so I had to settle.

    Once that Gatehouse is captured, it's on to Phase 2.


    OFFENSE (Elites)
    Weapons on Map
    - Focus Rifle (1)
    Vehicles on Map
    - Ghost (2)
    - Revenant (1)
    - Banshee (1)
    - Ranger (Plasma Repeater, Plasma Pistol; Plasma Grenade (2); Jet Pack)
    - Zealot (Needle Rifle, Plasma Pistol; Plasma Grenade (2); Evade)
    - Dark Assassin (Needler, Plasma Pistol; Plasma Grenade (2); Active Camo)

    Unlock the shield doors that protect the human intelligence compound

    DEFENSE (Spartans)
    Weapons on Map
    - Sniper Rifle (1)
    Vehicles on Map
    - Mongoose (2)
    - Warthog, Default (1)
    - Falcon (1)
    - Guard (Assault Rifle, Magnum; Frag Grenade (2); Armor Lock)

    - Recon (DMR, Assault Rifle; Frag Grenade (2); Sprint)
    - Spec Ops (Assault Rifle, Magnum; Frag Grenade (2); Hologram)

    Prevent the Covenant from getting inside the ONI outpost by any means necessary


    Now here's when things start to get messy. Elites now have more artillery at their disposal to invade the UNSC Office of Naval Intelligence outpost, including Banshees.

    There 'Shee is

    Call me perverse, but I just had to build a little hangar for the Banshees. It's pretty neat. I used one way shields to ensure that there'd be no departure and arrival confusion between players.

    One way out...

    ...And one way in

    Also, the hangar is just big enough to fit the shape of a Banshee, so the Elite's won't have to worry about any curious Falcons trying to encroach. Unless, of course, they just land on the roof of the bridge, where an inviting shield door shows them the way inside.

    Okay, enough about Banshees. So the Elites have to invade the Island...yada yada yada...

    You can't really tell from that first picture, but there's actually three objectives in this Phase. I felt that would be more appropriate for the large-scale carnage that would characterize the Island. To balance this change out, I also increased the capture time to 30 seconds.

    They came from behind

    Ah...whenever I see the ship out in the distance like that, I'm reminded of The Covenant from Halo 3, where Truth's ship looms menacingly.

    Shut up. The cannon IS cool.

    So yeah...if the Elites manage to take out those shield doors, it's on to Phase 3.

    OFFENSE (Elites)[/COLOR]
    [/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/FONT] [LEFT][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][B]ARSENAL[/B]
    Weapons on Map
    [I]- Focus Rifle (1)
    - Plasma Launcher (1)
    [/I] Vehicles on Map
    [I]- Ghost (3)
    - Revenant (2)
    - Banshee (2)
    - Wraith (1)
    [/I] Loadouts
    [I]- Ranger (Plasma Repeater, Plasma Pistol; Plasma Grenade (2); Jet Pack)
    - Royal Zealot (Needle Rifle, Needler; Plasma Grenade (2); Evade)
    - Champion (Concussion Rifle, Plasma Pistol; Plasma Grenade (2); Active Camo)
    - Gladiator (Energy Sword, Plasma Repeater; Plasma Grenade (2); Hologram)
    - Sentry (Needle Rifle, Plasma Pistol; Plasma Grenade (2); Drop Shield)
    [I]Carry the bomb to the human intelligence compound, plant it in its deepest room, and eliminate any traces that it ever existed!

    [/I][/COLOR] [CENTER][SIZE=3][COLOR=Red][B]DEFENSE[/B] (Spartans)[/COLOR][/SIZE]
    Weapons on Map
    [I]- Sniper Rifle (1)
    - Rocket Launcher (1)
    - Spartan Laser (1)
    [/I] Vehicles on Map
    [I]- Mongoose (3)
    - Warthog, Default (1)
    - Warthog, Gauss (1)
    - Falcon (2)
    - Scorpion (1)
    [/I] Loadouts
    [I]- Air Assault (Assault Rifle, Magnum; Frag Grenade (2); Jet Pack)[/I][/COLOR]
    [I][COLOR=Red]- Sharpshooter (DMR, Assault Rifle; Frag Grenade (2); Sprint)[/COLOR][/I]
    [I][COLOR=Red]- Operator (Shotgun, Magnum; Frag Grenade (2); Armor Lock)[/COLOR][/I]
    [I][COLOR=Red]- Grenadier (Grenade Launcher, Assault Rifle; Frag Grenade (2); Hologram)
    - Medic (DMR, Assault Rifle; Frag Grenade (2); Drop Shield)[/COLOR][/I]

    [I]Do not let the Covenant destroy the outpost! Hold out until reinforcements can arrive!

    [I]Thus I refute thee

    [/I][LEFT]Ho boy...Phase 3. Can you tell that I'm tired of typing yet?

    Phase 3 is the craziest, most awesome part of the game. All of the artillery is out and ready for action, and everything takes on a desperate mood. Whoever wins here, wins. There will be blood.

    The objective is Assault. Pretty self-explanatory. The bomb spawns in the ship, which can be a little annoying after just taking out the outpost's shields, but at least there's a new teleporter to help you get there.

    And...I guess that's all there is to it...please download, play, and gimme feedback. Thanks a ton!


    [I]Inside the outpost. Garage through the left[/I]

    [I]Inside the ship, Phase 1. The main chamber

    Inside the ship, Phase 2

    Insignificant Shade Turrets make PEW noises

    The Elites' initial spawn in the ship

    Because Elites are sexy

    [/I][B]EDIT:[/B] This was by no means inspired by BlackOPsBen's map!


    #1 Epolixa, Oct 24, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2010
  2. MetaFridge

    MetaFridge Ancient

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    Have my babies, you creative forging beast.
    I want it now :mad: but iPod Touch doesn't support the awesome that is your fileshare. Now I have to wait for this map. Grrr....
  3. Epolixa

    Epolixa Forerunner

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    NO it is too late for babies!

    Now, if only our ipods could support Halo: Reach... it'd be SO MUCH AWESOME...or should I say lawsuits?

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