
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by II Show Tyme II, Oct 23, 2010.

  1. II Show Tyme II

    II Show Tyme II Forerunner
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    Airoden v2.0

    The time has arrived to release AIRODEN 2.0! Wherever you're at you better hang on tight because this is bound to blow your mind! ;)

    I have taken the feedback given very serious and created a MONSTER!

    Airoden is a 3-leveled, somewhat symmetrical map that plays great FFA, Slayer, Juggernaut, KOTH and CTF gametypes. I would like to recieve more feedback on how well the map plays and get some more suggestions on what I need to work on. Hope you all enjoy Airoden and thanks for checking it out.

    Recommended 2-8 players

    Load out:

    30 secs for
    2 Magnums
    4 Assault rifles

    45 secs for
    8 DMRs
    6 Needle rifles
    2 Needlers

    60 secs for
    3 Plasma pistols

    90 secs for
    1 Grenade launcher

    120 secs for
    1 Gravity hammer

    130 secs for
    1 Shotgun
    1 Sword

    135 secs for
    1 Sniper

    155 secs for
    1 Rocket launcher




















    There are four ways to the bottom and two ways to the top. Gravity hammer is located at the bottom, Sniper at the top, Shotgun and Sword on the wings of the mid. Rocket is *^%^$%# haha it's kind of hidden so find it! :)

    Video Coming soon!
    #1 II Show Tyme II, Oct 23, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2010
  2. Tedium

    Tedium Lead Writer
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    Well, I had a look around, and I think I have some advice for you.

    -The map, in most places, looks very nice. You have a good understanding of layout a aestheticism.
    -There is a good spacing between each weapon point and respawn point.
    -You did well to add explosives to the snipers' spot, but maybe you could make them a bit more pretty?

    Cons (positively put: Improvements! :D):
    -The first thing I noticed was when I went to get the hammer from the lower level, it was a bit of a pain to HAVE to get teleported out of there, potentially into danger.
    -Speaking of hammers, its fixed physics meant that when it was dropped it was both weird looking, and I was unable to pick it back up again.
    -Also for all of the weapons you seem to have left the respawn time at its default. If you want to level to be balanced, you need to make weapons like sniper rifles and hammers have a respawn time of roughly 90-150. Only lower level weapons should be kept at the default, otherwise as soon as you kill the guy up top, he's gonna respawn and be right back up there with a snipers rifle before you could really get you bearings.
    -I found it a little difficult to traverse. If the higher level's pyramids were lowered a little, then there would be more points at a which a Spartan could jump up top. Otherwise there is only 1 entrance to the area making it easy to defend and hard to get up there.
    -There were too few way to get to the bottom area as well. As a rule of thumb, make at least 3 entrances to each special place! therefore you can make the most of your map! -Don't follow that too closely, however. Consider the entrance points and how accessible you want each area to be to the players. You should also add or remove respawn points depending on this.
    -The area at which you teleported to with the hammer in hand was a little awkward. It didn't look too great and the tunnel leading to nowhere merely confuses the player. It also really nags at us perfectionist, where everywhere must lead to something; maybe a window, a new area, a tactical location or a great weapon. Perhaps you could place a man cannon there to get two birds with one stone and make it easier to get up top. Then you could also get to the top floor from the bottom one, making the circulation even more complete.

    I hope this is useful to you, and good luck! Don't stop forging! A diligent forger is a successful forger.
  3. II Show Tyme II

    II Show Tyme II Forerunner
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    Thanks for the feedback! I'll take your advice and see what I can do with it. I'll post more pics once the editing is done.

    More opinions are welcome! I am trying to create a map that everybody loves so whatever kind of advice is given is excepted. I am trying to create the funnest experience for the players! Please download and give me feedback so I know what I have to do to put a constant smile on the players faces.

    Power to the Players!
  4. JDiggin

    JDiggin Forerunner
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    Hey, nice map man! I have played a few FFA's on this map and I gotta tell ya, I like what you did with the rocket spawn. Very neat. I won't give it away, but I thought it was cool. I agree with Tediums that the weapon spawn times need to be higher, otherwise everyone will have snipers. I actually have to fix that on my map as well. Another thing, I also agree that the top may be easy to defend and hard to get to, but from playing I realized it isn't really that great of a vantage point for sniping, so I don't think it's a huge problem. The bottom looks cool with all the vehicles in the garages and I liked how you added the broken bridge to land. Gives the map an eerie feeling like there has been an epic battle there at one point in time and it may not have gone so well for the Spartans. Very cool idea!

    All in all it's a great map. Very fun to play on and is balanced pretty well. Maybe add another way to the top, but other than that I love it!

    Keep forging, and thanks for checking out my map Platform 51!
    #4 JDiggin, Oct 25, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2010
  5. II Show Tyme II

    II Show Tyme II Forerunner
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    Thanks JDig!
    Yeah my favorite part of my map is the rocket spawn! I though how cool would it be to have a weapon so powerful on a map HIDDEN! The cool thing is the fact that it is hidden limiting the use of if!


    I have to tell ya guys after only editing my map for a short period of time it is already looking and feeling better! I have added a small walkout from the tunnel
    (that felt bare and lazy) which has another way to the top! I have also fixed the problem with the gravity hammer. I still have to change the respawn times on the weapons and also may add another way to the bottom (still thinking of a good way to do so). If any ideas of how to add another way to the bottom please post and let me know!

    Editing will be done soon so keep coming back to see if new pics have been posted!

    #5 II Show Tyme II, Oct 27, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2010
  6. JDiggin

    JDiggin Forerunner
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    Okay, I must admit this map is pretty sweet. I love that right off the spawn there is a HUGE battle. The bases are facing each other and as soon as the game starts it's an all out war! It's a lot of fun! I played a couple 4v4 Team Slayer Pro games on it and the flow was very smooth. The rockets weren't overpowering, neither was the sniper. The hammer, sword and shotgun are all located at nice spots so the game won't get to be one-sided, and they are even distances away from both spawns. All in all this is a very good map, one that I wouldn't mind seeing in matchmaking.

    Nice job!
  7. II Show Tyme II

    II Show Tyme II Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks JDig!

    The other day once I finished Airoden I was finally able to get my very first ffa and team slayer games in. It was a blast! I had invited three friends to the game and sent some invites out to recent players not knowing if anybody was going to show up.. I gave it a little wait and sure enough one by one they was showing up. About half way through the first ffa match two guys from the recent players list were saying how much better it was than their maps and how fun it was. We played an insane amount which made me happy knowing that they was enjoying themselves on my map!

    The same group of people and I also played some d/led maps off of here which was pretty interesting and none the less fun however, I still have to leave feedback on the ones I have played.

    JDig - one of those maps was yours and I must say it plays good! I don't know how many times I laughed, yelled, and simply geeked out feeling like a kid again playing on Platform 51.. So kudos to you!

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