Tribus Pontibus v2 Edit: Just uploaded version 2 Weapons: 2x DMR 2x Needle Rifle 2x Plasma Grenades 1x Plasma Repeater 1x Needler 1x Grenade Launcher 1x Sniper Rifle 1x Shotgun 1x Turret Any feedback and criticism is welcome, especially concerning spawning.
Basicly, noone is going to download your map if you dont have pictures. But you dont have a choice, you NEED pictures or else this thread will get locked. please please please put pictures
This really looks like it needs more cover towards the front of the map. I like the bases and the center area of the map, but there is almost no cover at all near the falcon. Just looks like there is more this map is capable of. Still, pretty good map!
Thanks FlyingshoeILR, do you mean i should put more cover in front of the glass cover or to the sides between the glass cover and the towers.
I think this looks like areally interesting map. I applaud you using curved end pieces, because if you are in the center, everyone will be above you, making for interesting gameplay. I would predict that the falcon would dominate, but that would still make for a fun game.I think due to its openness, it would be fun for a stacked gametype, such as 300% speed zombie infection. I would just say to add more gamemodes. noone will download a map that has one flag only.
WAAAAAAAAAAY to opem, and with a falcon. Generally speaking the falcon is the least used vehicle for a reason, it is a god damn tank. Heres what my year of experience has taught me. For a first map this isnt that bad, ive seen much worse, but it is too open and has no visual flair. Most maps will have a cool piece to hold a power weapon, or just to look cool. Look at Vanilla, the most recent featured map, it has a tree in the middle, that is what people are looking for for a download. Something that makes you say WOW, and of course its rifte so the gameplay is epic as well. The Gameplay for this map is probably pretty bad, no offense just trying to be honest. What is good is that your map contains multiple paths which is essential for a flag map. Another fantastic thing you didnt which most first time map makers do is overload the map with power weapons. Obviously the falcon is a massive overkill, but at least you dont have 2 snipers, 9 rockets, and 47 fuel rod guns starting in each base. The map is also very flat, to have good gameplay you want multiple levels for vantage points, but dont make any of these spots too over powered because then people camp, and yet even though camping is a legitimate strategy (please catch that reference) it is annoying and unpopular. What you should do is probably scrap this map and start fresh. First off, really look at the communities maps, get a feel for what an amazing map is, read all the techniques, (especially spawning) and get an understanding of forge. Hope this helps, sorry if its a little harsh, but im just trying to be honest and help you. If you want any other help or like tips, (im no genius with forge but i do decently) or a co forging thing PM me or message me on live, GT: TEH Wild Mudkip
Thanks for the honest response. I do not want to start off with a new map entirely, but do you think you could help me to improve this one. I know that there is obviously stuff that needs to be changed, but i would just need more specific details. If you want to help me change it up my GT is Dictator93. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Just uploaded v2. If there should be any changes regarding level design, spawn placement, or weapon placement please tell me.