mlg style map made out of forge world so no screen lag . pretty much symmetrical map its just in v1 atm since i still need to work on weapon placement(mlg timers)/ spawns but the basic layout is done. So test and give feed back and any ideas how i could improve the bridge on the open side of the map/ what i could do to that side of the map would be very helpful . amour lock mid map - hologram on closed street/ corridor (whatever you want to call it) also check out my other thread/ map its a ffa map also made in a small corner of boneyard and plays pretty bood for warmups (coming soon) iconic download : Reach : Player File Share overview/ open side redbase overview (missing ligths) midmap red base looking to midmap bottom tele holo corridor top level closed side open bridge midmap redbase blue base
It seems like you just added the stunt ramps. I must admit they do look really cool for a $ $2500 budget. It's really nice to see a map other than forge world though. Boneyard seems like a good choice. I downloaded it and liked it, mostly because it's not on forge world.
Although it's mildly interesting to see a map made not on Forge World, that means the supplies will be lessened drastically. Boneyard would seem like a good choice, and I think you managed to create a pretty good MLG map on it. The bases seem a bit plain, with only the natural barriers as cover. Lastly, in the picture "holo corridor" it seems as if there is not a one way shield there and you are able to go through. Is there a Soft or Hard kill barrier? Nice work on the map though; you've got my download.
there are one way shields blocking you from to far in one direction at the holo corridor and the other way is blocked of by a wall. kill zones are placed behind all places that you shouldn't be able to get to this includes the ground floor of the map boneyard. maps in v2 atm so still testing - played a local lan on it only 3v3 tho and ffa but ran well on ts and ctf, very fast paced but true mlg style though for v3 im going move 2 spawns around on open bridge. change open bridge abit. make sure you can't get under the little stairs at the drop down/closed side of the map then see if i can spruce it up a bit.