Hello, as you may or may not know, I'm creating an Invasion map currently and 2 or 3 things are giving me trouble. And yes, I did follow this guide. 1. All objectives are fine except the first one. The phases go as follows: Assault>Territories>Capture The Core. I've tested them all and phases 2 and 3 work but phase one does not. I've made the bomb spawn a capture plate(tagged "INV_OBJ_FLAG" or something) and the bomb goal a capture plate also(tagged "INV_OBJECTIVE"). However, the bomb goal turns into territories a no bomb spawns. Could someone please help me with this? Or Explain what I am doing wrong. 2. The Capture The Core Objective works, however the Core is simply lying down in a wierd position. It simply looks ugly and I want it to be upright. Is there anyway of doing this? 3. I tried to implement phased creation, however my object that I am spawning spawns at the start of the game instead of at the start of phase 3 when it should be activated. I have set it as: Spawn At Start: "True"(it tells you to do this in the guide) , Spawn Sequence "3" and I have tagged it as "INVASION". I think this is where the problem lies because all of the vehicles and weapons I have set to phased creation function properly. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks! Vb
Your problem isn't the forged map, it's the gametype. You have to edit it to allow assault in phase one. As it stands now the game is probably trying to play territories on an assault plant point.
2. The only way I can think of to do this is by turning the spawn point off the core, if that doesn't work, I don't know. 3. If you want it to delete; set it as Inv_Gate If you want it to spawn, I set mine on Inv_Vehicle; regardless on the object.
Thanks, it was pretty confusing since I thought if you set it to INV_VEHICLE then it will glitch or nothing will happen
YOU CAN USE INV_VEHICLE FOR ALL OBJECTS?! Wow, i didn't knew that. Now i can finnally get my Invasion map too work. Thanks a million.