Group for forgers!!! Also, maps and testers welcome.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Restroomx, Oct 24, 2010.

  1. Restroomx

    Restroomx Forerunner

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    Next Testing Date is Sunday Oct. 24th @ 7:00 pm. Eastern Standard Time.
    Make sure we follow the rules laid out below and it should run smoothly. Your map will get tested. You can save a video of the gameplay for the forgetacular contest as well.
    Host: Xbox live Gamertag = SC Restroom (I have cleaned out my messages and friends list)
    If u have me on ur friends list u can just join the party. If not u can send me a message with the name of your map.
    If u do not have your map in your fileshare it will not be playtested.
    I will take time out before the testing time to Download any gametypes and maps that will be tested.
    Post up below listing your Map's Name (as it appears in ur fileshare), as well as the associated Gametype (if it's just normal slayer or normal CTF, etc., please say so. If it is a custom Gametype please make sure it is in your Fileshare before tomorrow @ 7:00 pm EST or IT WILL NOT GET PLAYED!)
    Also since we can have up to 16 people, but some games are only 4v4 (like slayer).
    U must have some Neutral Initial Spawns Set up for the Observers.
    Observers will consist of any the Map Maker, and The Host. As well as Volunteers who would like to sit out. Please be respectful and fair about this or u will be called on it and then booted from the party.
    Maps will be tested in a first come first serve order as long as all the criteria is met.
    So be sure to post up here. I will be checking. Later.

    1.) Only one (1) Map per person will be tested.
    2.) You MUST play.
    3.) BTB/ INVASION will be tested LAST. **
    4.) Don't ask Don't tell (INPUT)***
    5.) Matches WILL be 5-10mins long.
    6.) There will be NO, " hey wait, I got another map..if you don't like this one."
    7.) You must be able to communicate.
    (**) this means we will merge 2 lobbies AFTER the small maps are tested.
    (***) Consider Input as payment for completing a job, your job is to test your map and others. Once the games are over we will revisit your map and give our input.
    If you can not follow the above RULES you will be booted from the party.
    Play time (Subject to change):
    Match will be 5 minutes long or until a WIN, which ever comes first.
    Depending on how the map plays we will play twice, for a total of 10 minutes or 2 WINS. As long as time warrants (more players = less time per map.)
    Please make sure that you have the time to play, I don't want people running off to a appointment.
    Be some what mature.....
    Just a friendly heads up, If your map is unplayable, horrible, thoughtless or dumb, we will not wait for you to fix it and you will need to resubmit it at another time.
    I will make this simple:
    Do you have a map?
    Do you need it tested?
    Do you have time?
    Are you willing to test your map and others?
    If you answered yes to all of the above then JOIN US!
    Edit: showing up with a map in your fileshare is fine. It is for everyone's benefit that I wanted to take time to go through and Download them before hand, so we can get right down to business when it is testing time. Get down to playing the maps.
    If everyone is okay with waiting around for me to Download their map and/or gametype then that is fine as well. I don't mind waiting a lil bit. Obviously if you don't have ur map ready, and are taking 5 minutes to put it into your fileshare. We will have to move on. Sorry if that sounds mean or dixxish, but I'm trying to be fair.
    If u don't have ur map ready by 7pm and u want to test around 8pm. That is fine as well. Be courteous and show up to help test other people's maps. Don't just be selfish and have 8 people test your map and then take off when we still have 7 maps to test out (although, i know that it could happen).
    I'd hope to weed out everyone who is not serious about the forgetacular contest first and foremost. That is what the rules are for.
    Of course if u do have a map that is not going into that contest, that is fine as well. But be courteous to the people who want to submit their maps. If it's a big team game, these guys will need up to 16 people to play their map for optimal testing conditions. Show up and help out. Meet some new people, and who knows, u might get some ideas for your next forge map, or find a map that u want to keep.
    This is a WIN WIN situation for all involved. It does take some time out of our lives to do this, and I am certainly understanding if conditions arise where u are unable to stay on for the entire testing period. (which could be awhile, depending on the amount of people who show up.)
    I would like to be prepared before hand myself. It's sort of like an RSVP. That's why i'd prefer that u post up if ur gonna attend, or u have the option of sending me a message as well.
    If you post or send me a message, please include your Map's name, and any gametype's name that might be associated with the map. This is for everyone's benefit. That way, I can have all the maps ready.
    If you are unable to show, but do have a map to test. Please send me a message. If u are not going to show up, and have a map that u want to test, but do not send me a message. How am i supposed to get the map? Plus u realize u are taking time away from people who are showing up and wanting to PARTICIPATE and CONTRIBUTE to the group's community.
    I honestly have no problem helping to test maps if u can't show up. That is fine. As long as no one else who ATTENDS does not as well. These maps would be worked in after every other attendee's map has been tested.
    This will be a good chance for people to get their maps tested. Post up below if you would like to attend. Thnx
    Also i wuvs u.
  2. Red Shirt KRT

    Red Shirt KRT Forerunner

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    Sounds cool I'll get mine ready for then

    GT: Red Shirt KRT
  3. lncendios

    lncendios Forerunner

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    Hey i'd like to test, but I dont want any of my maps tested. Can I still join?

    PILGRIM Ancient
    Senior Member

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    We already have something exactly the same as this on forgehub.
    Tester guild/
    tbh i would of been amazed if a forging website didnt have a testing or reviewing section. If you looked on the main forum page you would of seen it.

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