-Introduction- Since I'm in my examination year, I don't have the time and patience to realise what's in my head (+ I suck with curves...). Therefore I'm putting my idea up for grabs at the expense of a reference of my gt in the description as inspirator. Oh, it should also serve as a good candidate for the Forgetacular contest, for the ones interested. Now, Since a couple of weeks I had this elegant idea of a race map what would be called "Bl@ck Hole". (Yea, you can't say black in Halo...) -The main dancefloor- It would serve as an amazing race map or rocket race map by utilizing "The Main Dancefloor" multiple times, if not, at all times. It would take up most or all of the colliseum walls. If you don't know how this would look like, I suggest typing "black hole grid" or something similar in google pictures. An additional idea would be the curve the end of the black hole area back to a bowl shape to prevent too much flatness. I think the avoidance of flatness is important in such maps and it also creates a much better perspective, in my opinion. -Devoured stars- The elegancy came when I started thinking about a devouring black hole, where it would actually eat stars. This could be realised by kill balls being injected on the black hole area at an angle. Three kill balls at different positions with a respawn on never, place at start on no and minimum on 2 should do it in theory, if I'm right. Minimum on 2, because of course there has to be a kill ball in the middle, which serves as the actual black hole where racers can be crushed to an infinite density. It is, however, important for me that the "stars" are neither too frequent nor too much of a rare sight. So, according to the pictures in my head, the stars would roll in increasingly smaller circles, untill it just falls through the middle. For this to work, it is important to make the "poop hole" in the middle big enough for a star to fall between the black hole and the edge of the hole. -Spawning- I suggest spawning on the main area would be the most fair for all players. You could inject them from the outer edge into the black hole area with the help of one way shields. As most people tend to just drive forward, I predict that when you inject them directly in line with the black hole, they would drive in a somewhat ellipse shape, very close around the center. I would consider injecting them at an angle, like kill balls, to make the players drive more circular and wider around the center. Better use of the dancefloor, that way. Oh, and each team should have their own starting area ofcourse to prevent what I would call "an explosive start." -Variants- If you're making a race variant, an idea would of course be to make outer arms of the main floor, which circulate around the black hole. I don't know if it's a good idea to stretch the outer arms out very long, so I suggest sticking close to the black hole. It would be a nice feature to incorporate the gravitational pull on the track itself somehow. And it would be wise to make the racers come back to the "main dancefloor" (Yes, I <3 calling it that way), before racing on another arm of the track. Other than that, I'm letting you free on this one. I was thinking that Rocket Race would make for a fun game too. I'm sticking to the main floor for this one, without the arms and stuff. Since I don't really like the way Rocket Race works (which is, first guy to destination gets a point), I would see it as an elimination game, where you have three lifes and the last team standing wins. I don't know if you can alter the scoring system of RR at all, and if I'm right, you don't get a point for killing someone in RR. If that's the case, I guess I'll have to leave the scoring system behind. (Note: I don't know what will happen, if you make the entire map a destination and if it would work so that you won't get a point untill you're the last team standing, since all the teams spawned in the hill, and the hill doens't know who was first. I suggest experimenting with that. A small addition would be a rocket warthog or two, which spawn after 2 minutes. Teams could make a risky manoeuvre to get some extra firepower that way. Also, i like mines. It mixes things up a little and adds in another factor. If you also like randomized mines, I suggest using the same method as the kill balls. Use plenty of mines, put spawn on never and start on no and min. on 10 or so. And that about wraps it up. I'm really looking forward to the outcome of this idea, and i'd love to give feedback on the fly. Happy forgin'! -Last note- This is not for the faint of heart, and i trust my baby only to the worthy, who care for perfectionism. I challenge they, who think they can bake this tough cookie. I will probably come up with more of these crazy ideas in the future. Stay tuned. Oh, and this is my first post. Mama would've been proud. ^^ - Please feel free to discuss ideas, improvements and experiments regarding this future map.
Yes, similar to that. But on a much bigger scales, with kill balls circling around and the ends shaped back into a bowl form.
thats quite a job for you. the "rotation in forge" thread will help you out a lot while making this. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-...110512-rotation-forge-useful-information.html