Well maybe if we made it so you didn't have to sign up to see the forums, people would just download the maps and leave without creating useless accounts. Why DO you have to register to do **** anyway?
I've kind of slowed down on posting because I haven't been able to play Halo 3 in like a week and a half. My X-Box got the RROD.
That website is BOGUS. I'm not sure how they do their calculations but it says that we're worth 25k more than bungie.net..yeah right.
i had made the point a long time ago that people under 100 or so posts should have to go through a monthly or weekly update, and if they dont their account will get tagged or something like that its alot of work, but you'll see a difference
OMG that is crazy I mean what is the point of joining forgehub if you aren't even going to post anything. Oh wait dling maps thats right.
We do have the ability to prune users who haven't been active for X amount of time, but it really would achieve nothing except alienate those users when they come back to the site and re-register. Most sites have this kind of demographic, really.
i guess i am a little late on this discussion but my opinion on the situation is this: and i do not mean this in my normal "flame wars" way or whatever u guys prefer to call what i do. i think people only sign up to download maps because well, obviously, that is the main quality of this forum and original purpose. to provide awesome maps. but why do they never post or use the rest of the forum? i personally think its because there is never anything fun, or exciting, or entertaining to talk about or do. i mean, on other forums, people post news articles for discussion, random funny threads, videos, images, all types of things to keep a person busy for hours. here, its just not that entertaining. at least not to me. i mean like, its this whole anti-post count mindset that kinda seems to discourage discussion and interaction between members regarding anything besides forge content. its probably just me though.
Point, Titts. However, there's a difference between a neat, organized board like Forge Hub and a random, bullshit board like Bungie. I mean, the point of Forge Hub is to provide it's members with a place to share their Forging creations. The rest of the stuff is purely superficial.
I know that this isn't an uncommon situation. I just thought I would share the data I gathered and see what people had to say about it. PS: Nemi, I love the "superficial" parts of Forge Hub.
Bungie.net is given a value of $1.75 million. Forgehub is only worth $25,000. They base the value on a lot of different criteria..., web traffic being the biggest. It's not bogus. It's called selective marketing. Placing an ad on Forgehub is more valuable to a video game producer than purchasing a thirty-second TV spot.
Forgehub only has 10,000 members, how could that be more valuable than a TV spot that way more people will see, especially when the majority of Forgehub users ignore the ads.
Because Forgehub is 10,000 gamers and growing. Again, it's called selective marketing. Place an ad in the faces of 10,000 gamer and your target demographics is 100%. Buy a 30 second TV spot... unless it's on G4... and the percentage of gamers viewing is only a small fraction of the larger viewing audience. Now you say Forgehub is 10,000 members. I don't have access to a Forgehub stat tracker but the value of a website is not determined by membership per se. It's determined by web traffic. I'm betting that Forgehub gets more than 5,000 hits per day. It also helps to know how many unique users visit Forgehub over a given period of time. The ability for marketing to reach it's target demographic is very important and very valuable. A 30 second TV spot aired 20 times per day amounts to a grand total of 10 minutes ad time. That's exactly 0.69% of the total viewing time each day. Marketers will attempt to be selective in determining times and programs in which to show ads..., again in an attempt to reach their target demographic. This can become very costly. Web marketing is a little different. The expense is much less than television. The target demographic is much more focused. Ads are visible every time a user enters the site.
You're right about all of that. I admit i dont know much about it. Im just saying that the majority probably ignore the ads completely.
Well that doesn't bother me I thought this website was for abornmal excellent maps and to share them with the world The people with over 5000 post or something probably just post something to get thier rank up So in other words, this doesn't suprise me
Well I was going to say 23 million, but I was trying to be conservative!??? And that's why a Forgehub ad is worth more than a 30 second TV spot.