I play halo reach every single day and i am some how doing something wrong. I am a major grade 1 and I have 39% commendations complete. I just saw a guy who was a lutenant grade 2 (sorry if i spelled that wrong) and he only had 15% commendations complete. He even had over 30 that were not even awarded. What am i doing wrong???????? Here is a link to my bungie page:Bungie.net : Stats Sign Up If someone can please tell me what i need to do that would be cool. Also please tell me if you are experiencing the same problem.
You're seriously an idiot if you can't figure out why you progressed so far in your Commendations. Where do we begin? 1.) Target Locator campaign restart. 2.) Cutscene campaign save restart. 3.) Gruntpocalypse farming. You utterly abused the Target Locator campaign restart so many times that you had over 15,000 kills with the Target Locator. I mean seriously... you did that over 1,000 times... and you're asking why your commendations have progressed so far? You even actually restarted the cutscene 250 times just to max out flawless cowboy? You're either dumb or just plain retarded if you can't see what you did.
It's because your campaign farming...which is a bad way to level up. The reason why you are so low is because the more you do something consistently the less credits you earn each time. So basically stop trying to rank up by getting all the campaign commendations and play matchmaking or the game normally.
hey retard shroomz im wondering why im not a higher rank not why my commendations are high. and to the both of you i just checked your service records and you do the same thing i do so dont even tell me i should stop credit farming. SO if anybody actually wants to explain to me why im not higher than some of these noobs than that would be a lot better. By noobs i mean you adelyss.
Dude, Adelyss has far less campaign farmed comendations than you also the guy you saw did one of two things: 1: Did the "Get a high credit challenge and then disconnect" glitch 2: Played the game legitimately and did somewhat well.
You waste your time credit farming, can barely write a coherent sentence, think you actually have skill, and wonder why you haven't ranked up for blatantly abusing the credit system... And you're calling them n00bs? ROFL.
If you read my post, you dry humped your commendations and wasted all your time getting little to no credits for it. Look at my commendations. I did the target locator about 35-40 times... not over 1,100 times. After 35 times, I was barely getting 4 cR per kill. It wasn't worth doing that method any more times after that and wasting commendations on that crappy amount. The only reason I have a lot of Gruntpocalypse is due to the various Firefight Matchmaking challenges and Shootin' and Lootin' Challenges. All of my Flawless Cowboy commendations came from fulfilling challenges. The difference between you and me is... I wasted my Commendations when the rewards were worth it and tied to challenges. You dry humped your commendations without even thinking how it would effect everything else. Who's the retard?
This is what I was talking about, you actually play the game legit and were rewarding for doing so. This is what he should have learned.
I wouldn't consider myself a farmer i only have one gold commendation and that was in firefight which is get 5000 headshots. But when i have my friends out we do play a bit of firefight. But heroez Blade 117 6 commendations that are onyx and it is obvious that you farm. But im nearly a Lt Colonel and most of the time i play matchmaking and it just showaa that if you play matchmaking more you get more points.
Did you know that some people actually play this game for fun? You are really missing out if you try to blitz through ranks, and get all the armor by credit farming. In fact every person I know who has gotten past warrant officer (of whom most are already lt. colonel) either has no life or is a complete jackass or most commonly is a combination of the two. Seeing you're wall of red text, slaughter of the English language, and flaming, I'm sure you will fit right in. Seriously try playing the game for fun.
You know what just forget i even posted this. All I wanted was some nice advice about what i should do to rank without having to get all of these commendations. Oh and by the way i didnt know you had to text perfectly on a website and i do have fun when i play the game so all of you can just go **** yourselves and play like the retards you are. I didnt know it was this hard to get some friendly advice.
Matchmaking, thats where i get all my points, i have just under 350 matchmaking games(not including firefight) and im nearly a lt colenel.
Too late. Here you go: Ranking up does not mean "get lots of commendations". Ranking up is done via credits and you get far more credits for completing daily challenges and winning multiplayer games. There you go, there's the nice advice. Then you sir, are an idiot. This bit I just found funny. But seriously, in a month you've managed to complete 250 campaign missions on Heroic or Legendary without dying? What can I say, some farmers don't have very good lives.
I remember the first time i did the Target Locator cheat. I got 80 cR every time i reloaded but now i only get 28 cR and i stopped doing it. EDIT: Yes, sometimes i DO farm cR but that's because i sometimes want to buy an armor piece and i only need like 2000 cR more.
THANK YOU erico..... thats all i wanted was some help.....these guys are jerks.... so from now on if anybody actually wants to say something nice like erico did than that would be very nice.
You are saying you want people to say something nice but when your initial post is all in red and a larger font than default then it comes off as just ranting. They have told you multiple times why your rank isn't as high as others but you don't seem to care, you get less cR by repeating things in campaign. As for having commendations, they don't really matter the most thats possible to get from achieving Onyx on a commendation is 3000cR and getting Max does nothing (you get 0cR) they just concentrating on them wont really help with your rank. [check for yourself at Halo Wiki, search commendations] On one final note, my guess is by fun they are saying play matchmaking and don't concentrate on rank and commendations just let them come (at least thats how I read "play for fun")
I know you aren't counting me in this so I shouldn't take offence, but I still think that's a bit harsh just in principle. I have Lt. Colonel Grade 3, as do multiple people on my FL, all of whom most certainly have lives and are stand up guys. I think the overly hostile attitude in this thread is getting to your judgment when posting.
LOCKED. This is serving as a general warning to EVERYONE in this thread to chill out. Infractions are being handed out.