Hey fellow gamers, I'm trying to become a distinguished forger and I'm starting a new series of maps for Halo Reach. This new map I made is the first installment. It's called Air Superiority. Check it out on my Fileshare and make sure you download the Map variant and the Game Variant as well. If you understood the reference from Battlefield 1943 then you can probably get the jist of it. Let me know what you think! **UPDATE 2** It's on my fileshare as CONTEST-BTB Because I'm Submitting it to Forgetacular Fight for the skies! Yours truly, Senselesspath Command Center Alpha Command Center Bravo Command Center Bravo Hangar Bay The Hill The Fight takes place over Paradiso, the hill covers the entire area between Hemorrhage, and the Grift ball arena. There are two bases, one command center is featured in the backround *Note this map works to its highest ability with 16 players* (BTB)
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-reach-custom-content/104926-how-post-screenshots.html ^ Here you go
Thanks guys, I successfully embedded two new screenshots, if you have any questions or comments let me know
Could you please include pictures of the bases? Without those people probably wont download this cause it looks like you just put banshees on forgeworld and called it a map
@II6clique jxIxj Yes sir I'll upload the screenshots ASAP.. One of the bases is seen in the backround in the screenshots that's already up.
Pics or didn't happen. Just kidding. I was going to make a map with just air fighting but if this is up to snuff then you saved me time and made a gamer happy
***attention*** there is a new update for the map i fixed all problems that were found. If u downloaded it previously u"ll need to delete it and download the new one Added after 25 minutes: @Toastman Make sure you download the Air Superiority Map that says UPDATE 1 in the description. ENJOY! I think you'll be very happy. I uploaded screenshots that show more detail Thank you for your support guys!
Sounds like a fun idea I usually don't like vehical maps but this might work well and be fun to play. IF i could get a big enough party for it
This wouldn't happen to be based off of the game mode "Air Superiority" on Battelfield 1943 would it? It's great concept but would it work on Reach? I will download and post a fell review when ever I can.
That's exactly what it is It's the same concept, I used King of the hill to make it work, Make sure you have Update 2 and in my file share its going to say CONTEST-BTB for the forgetacular contest but its still "Air Superiority". I have screenshots up btw Thanks for your interest
Let me get this straight... •It's a big King of the Hill match. •Everyone has an air vehicle. •All players must fight for their life to control a big hill in an undoubtingly huge chaotic battle. Sounds like my kinda game Simple yet fun. A few questions though. Does everyone have to be in a vehicle, or is there infantry support with anti-air weapons? Can this be played as both free for all and a team game? Overall, it looks pretty cool, sounds pretty fun with a big crowd. Might have to give you host for a few rounds next customs night, won't I Greg?
Chris! you use forge hub? holy **** you've been a member for 2 years? damn. Yea with 16 players its the best for big team, but free for all isnt a bad idea either. Actually free for all might even work better. But its up to the players to have their own preferences for their own gametype i just made the map. I only suggest that they play KOTH on it cause thats what it was intended for. There isnt any infantry support it was only supposed to be dog fighting like Air Superiority in Battlefield 1943. But you have the option to go into the bases and pick up a weapon or go on a turret if they are farming the base. But yes optimal playability is 16 players
Sounds like a good solid game. Next time it's customs night let's test this map out! Have you ever tested it with a full game before?
no i haven't actually, the biggest ive had it was 4 v 4. I need a video of 16 players playing it so i can submit it to bungie already. So have a customs night soon and lets get a big team battle going... im also making a stairway to heaven map as well
Like a remake of the one on Sandbox in Halo 3? And yes, I am hoping to have a customs night somtime during the week. Hopefully lots of people will join. Maybe some people from here would like to help?