Ridge [Conquest] Forgeworld ~ Competative ~ Conquest ~ 6-16 players Conquest, for those that do not know, is a popular variant of Territories from Halo3. Well, Conquest is back! Conquest is a great version of Territories that is played on small, skinny, linear maps. This means there is a start and an end, no sidepaths, no flanking the enemy. It creates this reverse tug'o'war where the full force of one team meets the other. Conquest may be a complicated variant at first, but once you catch on you wont be able to drop it. Go to ReachingPerfection.com for more info. So. Ridge. Ridge takes place on the small cliffs on the "Pillar Rock" of Forgeworld. This Conquest map is a circular path that wraps around the huge rock. It is not symmetrical, but it is still balanced out. It meets the Conquest requirements, having only 5 territories and the following weapons.--2 Plasma Rifles --2 Spikers --2 Plasma Pistols --3 DMRS The map is assymetrical, with Bluespawn at bottom and Redspawn at top. The teams do switch places every round, so the assymetry is no big deal. Conquest uses 4 types of rooms/territories/areas. Spawn -- This is where the team spawns Transition -- Longest territory, most weapons located here Holdout -- Smaller territory, usually a healthpack, lots of action Center -- middle territory where teams clash. High action I do have pictures, but they are slightly outdated. So I have a video that will also help show off the map better. So first are the pictures. Nothing special down in the Blue Spawn. Just bluepeople, spawnin. This is the next territory/room, called the Transition. The Transition is the longest territory, and houses most of the weapons. This is Blue Transition. This is the Holdout territory. It is the closest to the center, and this is where the teams hand out a lot. Health pack(s) and possibly another weapon are usually found here. This is usually the smallest territory. This is Blue Holdout And this is the Center. The Center is where the teams clash and fight. And then from there it just goes in reverse towards Redspawn. Now the main differences between the pictures and the video is a few rocks were moved, the railings were edited to be better, healthpacks were added in the Transition territories, and some weapons were rearranged. Now, for the video YouTube - Ridge ~ Halo Reach Conquest Map So please download, rate, and enjoy Conquest on Ridge!
This looks like a pretty solid Conquest map. The only thing that had me scratching my head was why you had a health pack at such a high traffic area. Health packs are almost like overshields. You demonstrated that in the video. I hope you update the pics soon because people will start to call you out for double posting. I think you map looks very enjoyable so I'll download it and give it a shot. Edit: The thing is, you don't have to take cover, wait for your shields to recharge, and then pick up the helathpack The healthpack instantly replenishes a persons health.
Thanks. And yeah. Usually you want healthpacks in the Holdout, so players who get damaged can take cover, recharge their shields, and grab a health pack. And I dont be updating the pictures, as I have a video. BTW, this map has officially entered the Conquest Archive, as the third official Reach conquest map.
Great conquest map, although kinda weird since you can fall off an edge... not that there's anything wrong with that.
Thanks. Personally I don't know why so many people are obsessed with railings. If someone is really that paranoid about falling, there is a nice big wall for them to hug :]
Regarding the edges, it's one of those maps where there are two kinds of people: Normal folks, and "those guys" who fall off once they see a guy. It's pretty funny, because on more than one occasion I just stop and watch his little waypoint drop into the sea... Anyway, cool map, bro! The fact that it's entirely natural is a fun aspect, and the natural landscape is worked in to great effect. Only complaint is that the "Mist" FX you use has a habit of obscuring your weapon ammo count and heat level in many situations, which can be sort of annoying.
Yes it has :]. It has been a long road with this map, and the amount of changes it has gone through are enormous. I have definitly learned the important lesson of waiting to post, even though posting earlier allows for more advice. I am glad it has finally been accepted into the archive. Of course if there is a problem, I will update it. I am also going to update it if there is another version of Conquest released