Barren Wasteland

Discussion in 'Reach Race Maps' started by CoookkieMonster, Oct 22, 2010.

  1. CoookkieMonster

    CoookkieMonster Ancient

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    Welcome Forge Hub, to Barren Wasteland! I spit maps out like Lids spits hats out! This is an incredibly smooth racetrack with several smooth turns, hills, waves, scenery, and excitement! Not to mention a split lane part over the pit of fire! But anyways, this is one of my best maps yet and is in the best interest of any racetrack fan to get this map in their hands! Now, onto the pictures shall we?

    I present to you, Barren Wasteland
    First Turn
    First Wave
    Next Turn and Wave
    Split-Section Over Pit of Fire
    Large Wave/Turn
    Small Bordered Turn
    Downhill to Small Jump
    Terrain Back to Start
    Whole Map

    Video of the map on youtube at ProForgeRacing(PFR): YouTube - Halo Reach Racetrack- Barren Wasteland
    #1 CoookkieMonster, Oct 22, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 4, 2011
  2. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, nice racetrack. I can see that it is VERY smooth, one of the smoothest I've seen yet. The aesthetics are very good too; I especially like the shovel truck. (I can't remember what they're really called) The racetrack also is very long, but not too long that it's ridiculous. :p You've got a download from me, man! Keep up the good work!
  3. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I hope you got rid of that cheating spot ;)

    Are the pictures from the game I RACED IN? I feel so honored :D

    Really, it was a really nice track, albeit a tiny bit bumpy in a few places. The framerate lag in a couple of places were also kind of annoying. And that stupid twig on the beach messed me up EVERY TIME.

    Cool track bro.
  4. gingerninjasam

    gingerninjasam Ancient

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    File not found =[

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