No Hope Act 1: The Sewers

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Rifte, Oct 23, 2010.

  1. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Hey everyone, this is a remake of my original Sewers map from Halo 3. I started on part 3 but thought it would have made more sense to do Act 1 first. I was a bit worried as to how it will translate into Reach, but thankfully the map played well from the tests I've gotten so far. It's bigger than part 2 and is overall a massive step up from the Halo 3 version. While most of the parts have stayed the same, some noticable differences are:
    • The diner holdout actually looks like a diner now and even has a billboard sign
    • At the end there is no longer a crappy little base holdout but an actual safe room in the building before Act 2: The Streets.

    The safe room is definitely the most unique part of the map. It was incredibly tedious to make due to the fact that it had to spawn at 3:40 and as you know objects can only respawn at 3 minutes at the most meaning it had to be destroyed beforehand and then respawn at the correct time. Once activated, the safe room door will close and any surviving humans will be safe inside from the zombies.

    So far I've only had one game where a friend and I(so 2 people) in a 16 person party made it to the saferoom alive and managed to close the door before the zombies could overrun us making for a frightening and intense experience.

    Act 1 will hopefully be released this weekend, thanks for reading!​
    #1 Rifte, Oct 23, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2010
  2. ProtoFury

    ProtoFury Ancient
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    I'd love to see the full map, I'm assuming you'll post more detailed screens when you release it?
  3. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Of course, this is just a preview thread :p
  4. ProtoFury

    ProtoFury Ancient
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    Heh well I figured lol. How many maps are involved in this No Hope deal? I never saw the Halo 3 versions.
  5. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    Someone told me you were remaking Act 1 for Reach.
    Obviously not preposterous rumor as I had believed.
    I'm sure working with actual water is a lot more fun than shield doors in Halo 3 =P

    I must say I am a bit more excited for Act 3 though.
    It won't have another 'Warthog breaks down a wall' holdout will it?
  6. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    There are 4 in total, Halo 3 only had act 1: THe
    I'm trying to get rid of the warthog door thing for my Act 1 remake, I'll see how it plays out later tonight or tomorrow. I'm still planning out Act 3, I want to make it a bit different(no warthog doors). Might decide to take it to the rooftops.

    Off topic: Poster looks gross now I think :/
  7. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Ancient
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    Fix the aspect ratio, that oughta help a lot. :p

    Interesting... I've never seen a story-like Infection series or anything... I think I wanna see where this goes.
  8. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    I just decided to redo the poster entirely :p
  9. Frozenghost001

    Frozenghost001 Ancient
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    so, when can we expect Act 1 to come out? very soon? cause Act 2's really fun and my friends were like "lets play Act 1" and i was like all :( and stuff...
  10. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    I was hoping to release it today, but while playing through I realized I need to make it easier for the humans to get past the diner, one of the main causes being the warthog. I'm testing a couple variations of the map now one where the warthog will push through the door by itself with the use of a man cannon, and one where the door just opens by itself.

    To compensate for humans being given extra time(it usually takes an extra 20 seconds for humans to push through the door with the hog), I made it so that the warthog or whatever opens the door spawns 5 seconds longer than usual.

    I want to get this released by Friday at the latest and Wednesday at the earliest.
  11. HomeTheArmless v2

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    "friend and I"

    Was that friend me!?

    I sure hope so. If not, however, at least the epic between me and Given is still there.
  12. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    **** the drama, there's no love in this. You both should have just gone inside the room and held out for the last 20 seconds :p

    But yeah you were the person I was referring to before. brofist!
  13. HomeTheArmless v2

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