
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Ghostinator, Oct 23, 2010.

  1. Ghostinator

    Ghostinator Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ghost-off is a non-symmetrical map with 5 basic map sections, 4 diffrent team bases and a middel section. Bases vary from Blue Base, Red base, Green Tower and Orange house.

    Ghost-off is capable with any slayer, CTF, king of the hill, Juggernaut, assault, stockpile, oddball, headhunter and infection. My suggestion is clearly Free for All or Multi Team CTF, but as mentioned above it's capable for most game modes.

    Middel section is rocky with a cave through the middel of the rocks, cave contains a shotgun. Bottom left corner is Blue base, right is Green Tower, up top is Red base and top left is orange house. One health station in each base.

    Weapons on map are:
    DMR = 7
    Sniper Rifle = 1
    Grenade launcher = 1
    Shotgun = 1
    Assault Rifle = 5
    Magnum = 4
    Plasma Grenades = 6
    Frag Grenades = 8
    Needler = 1
    Health Stations = 4

    Green Tower offers a sniper rifle and a small perch with a long line of sight. As a base in general it offers less cover than other bases, but still equals out thanks to the sniper.

    Blue base offers good cover and 2 DMRs, one in each floor. Grenade launcher is at the bridge to the right, in the middel of blue and orange section of the map. Bridge to the left leads to Green base.

    [​IMG]Orange house offers very good cover from the outside, but quite open if the enemy first get's inside. Be ready for close quarter combat.

    Red base has good cover and safe spawns, as well as 2 DMRs and a short walk to both grav lift leading to Green base, and a machine gun turret between Red and Orange base.

    Looking forward to feedback
    Ghost out-

    Edited by merge:

    I just wanna say this map still needs more playtesting, so if anyone's willing to play it and submit feedback here that would be really helpfull, thank you
    #1 Ghostinator, Oct 23, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2010
  2. One iiNSANE Kid

    One iiNSANE Kid Ancient

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    I enjoyed testing this map and it's a good thing that you added the anti-camping fusion coils, even though there a little annoying to shoot, can't wait to see more from you :)
  3. Ghostinator

    Ghostinator Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I see what you mean, i will have a look if cant make them somewhat easier to hit. Thanks for the feedback by the way ;)
  4. One iiNSANE Kid

    One iiNSANE Kid Ancient

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    No problem :)
    as I said, great first map, can't wait to see more
  5. Ghostinator

    Ghostinator Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Might be a while until the next map, but i'm working on it ;)

    Edited by merge:

    No one willing to test it?
    #5 Ghostinator, Nov 7, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2010
  6. Ghostinator

    Ghostinator Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Okey i'm sorry if this is bumping, but anyway i can post this for testing instead of as a final version?

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