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Ok, first of all, EPIC post! For lack of a better word, the map looks epic too. I don't think anything like this has been done before. The blocking idea is just brilliant. To me, this map looks like the ultimate test of teamwork. You've got a definite download from me, CaMOfo!
It looks amazing Camo, congrats on finding the motivation to finish it, and the amazing idea. Did you photoshop this stuff yourself? I didn't know you had any gna skills.
so you cant jump unless you are an executioner or else blockers wont work right? Maybe you said that somewhere I just missed it but it looks like an awesome map It looks great and almost reminds me of multiplayer pack man ish. But any way it looks like an awesome map!! Great job!!
this is one of the most fun minigames i've played yet in Reach. there is a lot more depth to it than it might seem from the post. it takes a good amount of foresight for the blockers to strategize and area to trap the runners, sometimes having to plan ahead by a large amount, other times just getting lucky when a runner isnt paying attention. the game is a blast for both humans and zombies to play, which i think is an important factor in any infection map, especially a custom minigame such as this. the only thing is that you just need to make sure you explain to the party how the game works before you start it. ( i know YOU did, i am speaking to others reading the thread ) because if you wind up with someone who hasnt played before becoming the Killer, it can be a little frustrating when they dont know what to do. or when the Blockers dont realize they should be blocking and strategizing. But when played with a large party of experienced cawk blawkers, this game is 100% funtastic. I think this has a good chance for feature, or if not, at least being one of the more popular minigames for a while. Glad to have been a part of testing this beauty. I love the final aesthetic touches you have added to the map as well.
I've played this, and I have to say, it was frightfully fun. The fright was from getting trapped and the fun was from evading skilfully and 'blawkin' However, I felt that a player who managed to be get jetpack at the start of the round often ended up with too many points, although the points didn't really matter, it was so much fun.
YES, i cant believe you called it cockblocking. i love you. cockblocking... it's the most fun i've had playing a reach minigame so far. This is THE minigame of Reach as of now and potentially the best infection minigame since Lost Chamber. I had my brother signed on as my guest and we were both either screaming in terror or yelling to other zombies to organize trapping. Once the exits start to close, atheists become believers. It's VERY teamwork oriented for both sides, Camo and Agamer know my handholding skills as a human but as a zombie you REALLY have to organize to be effective. I consider myself a pro at this ****. bring it on. I want to see more map variants. First reach minigame feature right here, it's got my vote.
"The cocks have escaped the coup, and it's your task to block the gaps in the fences so that the farmer can collect them." If you wanted to put a family friendly theme to it, you could. This is the best mini-game I've seen for Reach yet, and it's definitely the one closest to filling the void that tremors left behind. Endorse it? I love me some of Camo's cawk.
This looks fantastic. Definately going to try this with a few friends and get you a response on gameplay pronto. This is how all minigames should be presented! I tried, but still ended up with a wall of text. Well done.
This is by far the most enjoyable mini game I've played on Reach yet. There sheer strategy and all out fun that makes this game are phenomenal. Most mini games get boring after play 2 and 3 but cawk blawkers is definitely something that I'm sticking with for a good while =)
Indeedly-do I love me some blawkin cawks! Incredible map post first of all Camo, guess you knew you had something special, so you went all out with the presentation here. Secondly, it was great to have the chance of working on this a little bit with you, seeing you build it first-hand gave me a different view on the game, and has even inspired me a bit. I must say this has to be the most original anything I've seen popped out of Reach so far. It was also the most entertaining experience I've had on it as well. So, put two and two together, and you've got yourself something pretty damn amazing (at least to me). I've found it fun to play as the cawk's and the blawker's, although surviving to the end of the round as a cawk-scared-stiff is a heart-pounding experience. You also don't see this amount of strategy and genuine teamwork in a mine-game very often except for those singular times involving a blue moon. Excellent job Camo, deserving of a feature for sure.
Playing with you, chuck, agamer and everone else that was there that time, I had to agree that this is by far the best minigame I've played in quite a while. The cooperativeness you have to have between your team is what usually seals the deal on the death of the runners. This is simply genius and I really loved playing it with you. If you ever want to play again, hit me up, I will drop what I'm doing to play this. Also, I'm so glad you kept with Cawk Blawkin for the name. <3
Possibly the best use of armor abilities I have yet seen from anyone, as well as being a new pacman type game. Brilliantly done and I had great fun testing this with you. So much that I don't even regret that it has kept me from finishing any of my own maps lol.
This is the greatest minigame of all time. No other minigame can match it's elegance, beauty, and perfection through the arts. I wholeheartedly approve of this minigame from now and until the end of days.
CryptoKid found a flaw on the map, so I had to go back and fix it. You can reach the map through the download link. Broken [OLD VERSION] Fixed [NEW VERSION]
Haha played this yesterday with quote a number of people, and I have to admit, this is one of the best minigames on Reach! Just the forced teamwork makes it amazing while the 'cocks' run around for their life > Great game!
Ha. This map is awesome. I got to play it when it was still titled "Rusko" or whatever, and it was a blast then, and the aesthetic overhaul you did makes it even better. Honestly, creativity is absolutely oozing out of every Forge piece on this map. When you've got enough people who know how to play, this game is really, really fun. There's not much that's quite as satisfying as slowly approaching the Last Man as the Executioner when he's blawked in by the Guards. I highly recommend this map to anybody who hasn't tried it yet. Great work, Camofo.
I have this map on my Hard Drive but when i try explaining to people they just dont get it.. Can you guys (who always play it) add me? i'd like to play it competitively GT: HIPPIE GAMER
Yeah, I remember playing with you Awkward Silence, but there has been quite a few things fixed in the newest version. And the gameplay has been amped up and is not a lot more fast paced. To you Hippe Gamer, I'll add you and get a game going. I always have people that are willing to Cawk Blawk.