What happened to everyone concerning custom games? In Halo 3 I could a full party within minutes with ppl begging to join, butin Reach even after about 2 days notice on customs forums No one joined!!!
Why play customs when I can earn more credits playing Matchmaking? Wasted time playing customs this early in the game's life, if you ask me...
This. People at the moment would rather gain credits faster rather than 'waste' time playing customs. However saying that, I have not had much trouble getting a full party together for customs. You gotta know the right people...
Because, believe it or not, there are some of us who play the game for FUN, not just earning credits and getting the best armor. Reach isn't all about just 'matchmaking' theres a game outside of that. [br][/br]Edited by merge: How about sharing your contacts?!
I would hardly consider 5-1/2 weeks almost 2 months... ... and still over 75% of the community hasn't gotten past Warrant Officer, yet. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I usually end up playing for fun as well. Just check my number of custom games in Halo 3. It's still too early in the game's life for a lot of players to switch to customs, yet. I think most people are still loving some of the new game types, like Invasion. You also have to consider a good part of the custom community in Halo 3 were Infection players... who now have their own playlist and no longer need to resort to their friends list to find games.
I think customs will be more popular when everyone has all the bling they want, and aren't trying to earn so much cR
Yep, I will pray for that day to be soon!!! However Bungie did say they will be raising the level cap soon in November too. I hope everyone gets all the cR they want, just so the Custom Age comes.
Bungie will raise the level cap when the amount of daily and weekly challenges reaches to 117 million challenges achieved. I would say I play both matchmaking and custom games with my friends.
Dance partay? And, OP, there aren't that many great customs out there yet. And if you want to play some customs, talk to people round here. Many people are willing to play customs if you ask.
Well, considering that it's accepted as more rewarding to play, let alone the prospect of earning "cash", people are bound to cater towards matchmaking. Some may play for fun, but that doesn't change the general standard since most people are competitive. Won't be otherwise unless you can miraculously convince Bungie to make Rumble Pit the only matchmaking playlist.
Halo 3 had Customs that spread virally, "standards" like Trash Compactor, Fat Kid, Duck Hunt... Many of them completely sucked ass, but they were de facto standards and thus people played Customs. People had stuff to play, stuff that others were familiar with. Excluding remakes of H3's old standards, I guarantee you that if you download any given custom map/game, half of your friends won't have a clue what it is, and two thirds of that half hence won't want to play it. Thar's yer problem!
You don't how much it makes me rage when I'll have like 25 random people on my friends list playing Reach at any given time, I'll invite all of them to play some customs, and maybe 1 or 2 will join at the most. I've considered removing all my friends that never join, just for the sole fact they never consider join, and I can never get a party together. Even when I want to play matchmaking, same ****. I'll have 30 people on and maybe 1 will join, and it's always my same bros. wtf man
Speaking of, I was going to join your sessions when you were inviting, but I was helping Rusty and Shad0w test their new maps since they tested mine prior. Sorry bro.