
Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Sikamikanico, Oct 8, 2010.

  1. Zombie Kitten

    Zombie Kitten Ancient
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    Played this game with 8 people and it was epic with that small party! Everybody was laughing and enjoying this game so much. It is definitely a game I will keep to play whenever I host custom games.

    The only problem is that elites dont get evade. They can get armor lock, hologram, cloak, sprint, and I cant remember the other, but no evade. So the people that were elites actually left the game, changed to a spartan, and joined back. Im going to fix it myself but I suggest you change it so people can DL the right version.... Or maybe I'm mistaken and its supposed to be like that. Im not sure.

    Also, whenever I had friends over and we were swimming in my pool we would play 'Sharks and Minnows', as I believe people have told you is another name for it. And in the version we play as long as you you are touching a wall you are safe. That has its flaws like there is nothing to force people from leaving their wall but, it is helpful because people are able to be on both sides at once and go when the shark (or bulldog) has their back turned. However, I cant think of anything that would work for that as having a safe zone on both sides would mean that the minnows could easily just sit there forever. So if you figure out someway to incorporate that into a different version that would be great. Here is why I like it with being able to be safe on one side while others are safe on the other:
    *You can cross by sneakily coming up from behind the bulldogs.
    *In your version, if you try to cross before the safe haven your in disappears then it wont spawn when you are at the other side, leading to death. I like to be able to cross at any time possible.

    Now I probably wasted my time as that is probably impossible to do, but if you found a solution that would be great.
    9.5/10.... .5 more points if you fix the elite problem...
  2. XtK ReApeR

    XtK ReApeR Ancient
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    This is great, and a lot of fun. :) But since you got a lot of downloads I suggest that you make another version and add some aesthetic things to it.
  3. Natetendo83

    Natetendo83 Forerunner

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    I've had so much fun with this gametype, I did change it so that only one person starts in the middle because sometimes I only have 5 or 6 people playing with me so it's more fun to start with just one guy.
  4. Informist

    Informist Forerunner

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    The game sort of seems like what we used to play we called it frogs. Does the plasma pistol do anything because in the video they shot it allot ?
  5. Sikamikanico

    Sikamikanico Video Team #corruptstaff
    Forge Critic

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    Well it hurts the Bulldogs, forcing them to stay away from the Safe Haven. That's about it. :)
  6. Darth Human

    Darth Human Guy from Reach
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    I love this. Especially great with a lot of people. I could definitally see this going into matchmaking someday (if they ever make another action sack playlist).

    I couldn't think of any improvements, nice job!


    Actually after playing it awhile, I thought the last man was a bit overpowered. Plus some people said it may have been better if the zombies had evade, and the humans had sprint. I dont know how that would work out, but its worth a thought.
    #26 Darth Human, Jan 12, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2011
  7. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Unofficial Review
    by cart0graph


    Bulldogs! is an enjoyable mini-game that I play with my parties quite a bit. It's a really simple game I don't need to explain a whole lot and my parties always want to play it a few times.

    Once we play it for a long time though the gameplay, unfortunately, gets repetitive. If only you could change up this classic playground game to spice up the gameplay so it won't be so repetitive. The gameplay overall is fun, except when it comes to the last man standing, which I'll explain when I get to balance. After people understand how the game plays, then it gets fun. Strategies start to come into play, then it gets interesting. I myself tend to be sneaky and just stay on the same side the whole game until I'm the last man standing. I like to see what people do when they first play it and see what their play style is. Overall, I have a blast every time I play this with parties.
    Enjoyment Rating: 7/10


    Overall Bulldogs! is balanced, but the gametype definitely needs some tweaking. Everything is all good until the last man standing turns into a straight up Frog God. He gets some serious hops and speed, and can own the Bulldogs left and right, and can make it across the map in just two evades, which, to be honest, makes the fun meter plunge. Yes it is fun for the non-bulldog, but the Bulldogs just scramble to try and kill the last guy, which 90% of the time, doesn't happen. This problem can be easily addressed by a little gametype editing. Just make the last man a little better by possibly making him able to take to hits from the sword, with a slow recharge rate. I think that would make it fun for both infected and humans.
    Balance Rating: 6/10


    The only problem that I think fits this category would be the dual obelisks can be used for the non-infected to hide from the bulldogs. This definitely isn't a real problem in my mind and can actually be fun and cause some laughs.
    Durability Rating: 9/10


    Even though your minor aesthetic pieces throughout the map accent it well, I really thought you could've done a bit more to be honest. The cones were a nice touch and the obelisks looked decent, but if you really wanted to make this a better map, you should put some sort of amazing center piece to spruce up the bland coliseum. *This would really tie in the whole map. You could also add a bit of natural geometry such as rocks or tin cups. Just something to add some color. Maybe even remake the whole map in the canyon. Yeah it'd might seem a little drastic, but why not, it'd add some much needed color.
    Aesthetic Rating: 6/10


    The idea of the game itself isn't original, I've been playing variations of this game since elementary school, but how you brought it to Reach was. I've seen this game in Halo 3, and it really wasn't fun. Adding in the armor abilities simply made the game awesome to play.*
    Originality Rating: 6/10

    Overall Rating: 6.8

    Summary: With some minor tweaks and some improved aesthetics, Bulldogs! could be a truly great game. Even with these flaws this game will forever remain on my HD as it's simplicity makes it a great game for large parties.​
  8. Sikamikanico

    Sikamikanico Video Team #corruptstaff
    Forge Critic

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    Thanks for the thoughts guys.

    I will revisit the gametype and put some tweaks in, see what we can do the alleviate some of the issues you've pointed out.
  9. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    Let me tell you this, Bulldogs is the greatest safe havens based game I have ever played. I love it, simple, easy, and hectic. Some more aesthetic work might be nice, but the map itself in layout is perfect for this.
  10. GrizzlyEmu1988

    GrizzlyEmu1988 Forerunner

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    We called it Octopus

    At my school we called it octopus which is very close to what you have done here it appears (sorry havent downloaded your map yet :(...) but we had 2 free moving octopus and when they tagged runners they were then taggers but they had to stand in the place they were caught and could only reach out as far as taking 1 foot off the ground, alo there was the scarcrow game when the tagged wernt taggers but were the scarecrows and could be reserected by someone crawling through there legs at the risk of them getting caught themselves... i relize on halo these games would be be very difficult to make if not impossible but if someone could pull it off that would be sick as!!!!!!!!!
  11. Gazzaverage

    Gazzaverage Ancient
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    Tag? tag? tag my arse! I played BRITISH bulldogs over 25 years ago and back then you had to tackle and hold somebody for a count of ten.... basically we used to beat the **** out of eachother, so the gameplay vid looks just about right :D

    Downloaded and looking forward to having enough peeps to play.
    #31 Gazzaverage, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2011

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