June 6, 1944

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by dmcdowell30, Oct 22, 2010.

  1. dmcdowell30

    dmcdowell30 Ancient
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    So this is my version of the what happened over in Europe on June 6, 1944. This date is also known as D-Day. I know this is the farthest thing from an original idea but I decided to show my version of the map to the public. I tried to pull as much inspiration from other media forms like Saving Private Ryan and games like Medal of Honor: Frontline. In my version, the Spartans are on the offensive trying to capture the beachhead near the Sea Wall. The Elites will spawn close to the wall for Phase 1 of the Invasion. When the wall is secured for 30 seconds a bomb will spawn on the beach to be planted on the left side bunker. A rocket launcher will spawn with one spare on the attackers wall during this Phase along with a sniper with 0 spares for the defenders. The sniper will spawn faster but will always only have 4 shots. When its blown up, the bunker will look a little more destroyed. Phase 3 involves destroying the second bunker with yet another bomb. Throughout the whole map there are two wraith mortars with semi-hidden teleporters leading up to them. Inside the bunkers are two machine gun turrets each without repawn. These are inaccurate for hitting near the beach but better as people approach the bunkers. The gametype for this makes people more like the soldiers that battled over 60 years ago. They have more resistance to damage, no shields, and slightly degraded weapon damage.

    The overview of Normandy beach from the sea.

    This is Phase 1 where the Spartans must take the sea wall.

    Phase 2's bunker to destroy.

    Phase 3's bunker.

    The bombs for Phase 2 and Phase 3 spawn on these rocks.

    These are the manual mortars available to the players.

    Thats it for my post. Thanks for reading and please give any type of feedback. Harsh or polite I can take whatever you say. I really want some feedback on the Gametype. I'm not very good at gametypes so if it needs changed please tell me.​
    #1 dmcdowell30, Oct 22, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2010
  2. Dirt Jockey

    Dirt Jockey Ancient

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    Man this looks really good, I am especially impressed that you chose to use Invasion as the primary gametype, destroying both bunkers adds alot of realism, especially since in phase 3 the first bunker appears destroyed- thats a very cool touch.

    My only criticism would be your use of the Wraiths, they seem a little out of place in a WW2 environment, I know you were trying to replicate the action of falling mortars, but I feel you could have done this in other ways. (maybe pushing fusion coils into a mancannon 'jenga' style)

    I will download this right away and check it out, I cant wait to test it.

    Great work man!
  3. critter1227

    critter1227 Forerunner

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    i think rocket warthogs woold be better choice for the morters
  4. mathiibros

    mathiibros Forerunner

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    i also am currently working on a dday map. This looks too overpowered for the german side though. 2 (nearly?) indestructible wraits firing constantly will cause living hell.
  5. dmcdowell30

    dmcdowell30 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The wraiths are behind the wall enough that it is hard for them to see anything so it's more of a blind fire and if you try to aim to far down while up as close as possible you'll kill yourself.
  6. Sneaky Fox

    Sneaky Fox Forerunner

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    Love the Idea you got here I may have to download this and check it out
  7. GameTime49

    GameTime49 Forerunner
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    your map is good and well made for the storm the beach gametypes but i dont see anything that stands out from the so many other maps that are just like this
  8. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    This is absolutely positively the best D Day map so far. THough D day is not exactly an original idea you definitely added your own unique touches to it such as the sea wall and the unique bunker and ship designs. Great work man.
  9. grimfandango

    grimfandango Forerunner

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    This looks pretty good, not sure on the wraiths either, but this is the best looking D day map I've seen so far :)
  10. mich012

    mich012 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow I've seen alot of these D-day style maps around, but iv'e been thinking about 'haloing up' a version, for example spartans spawning in drop pods, any thoughts? But still great looking map by the way.
    #10 mich012, Nov 15, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2010
  11. xXEnr4gedHoboXx

    xXEnr4gedHoboXx Forerunner

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    This my favorite DDay map I have seen, Im still heavily testing my DDay map which I will probably Post on here. The only complaint I have is the Higgins boats you made look terrible. I personally wouldnt have used Walkway covers. But other wise great, the best one I have seen released.

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