The Connection

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by iSheedMyself, Oct 23, 2010.

  1. iSheedMyself

    iSheedMyself Forerunner

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    Hello All,

    This is a competitive map I have been working on for about 2 weeks now. I've "alpha and beta" tested it with my friend and seems just about right. Works only capture the flag game types and uses RED and BLUE team spawns. Let me know what you think about it, feedback would be awesome.



    Best Wishes,
    #1 iSheedMyself, Oct 23, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2010
  2. Tedium

    Tedium Lead Writer
    Senior Member

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    Okay, I've had a thorough look through your map and here's some feedback. This may be a little harsh, but to be brutally honest I can't see this making it onto matchmaking. Here are some pointers:

    -The initial 1-way shield is necessary. As I exited it, it almost launched me off of the ledge. Make sure that doesn't happen.
    -On my way to the bottom, the large walkway, with no cover, made me feel vulnerable. As soon as someone comes up behind or in front of me, I'm dead. Or they're dead. There is not room to hide of take defence against another's attacks.
    -The lower area has a bad risk vs reward aspect. It takes a long time to get there, at high danger risk, and chances are the weapon is already gone due to the 180 respawn time of the plasma launcher (which by the way isn't too powerful to begin with.
    -The map is a little plain, and you seem to have filled it with monotonous walkways which make it hard for the player to see where they are in relation to the rest of the map. Also a person's line of sight can pretty much cover the entire expanse. Not good. Again, cover is key and will help distinguish an area from the rest, make it look prettier and can make the mechanics much more fluent.
    -In each base there is a mounted gun. Why? It covers a line of site which few people would walk down anyway. And if they did come down, they'd be in ghosts and zooming by too fast for someone to do any effective shooting at.
    -It'd be great to see more weapons here as well. I had to go on quite a trek to find only a needler for my troubles. Stick some DMRs in there somewhere! While you at it, make use of the Decorations part of the menu. There you'll find some much needed cover and a few nice looking additions.
    -Lastly, the rocket launcher only had a 30 second respawn. Good? Maybe in theory as you might imagine a hot zone of players fighting over the thing. But in reality, you're just going to find one guy throwing rockets all over the place constantly, greatly over balancing the gameplay.

    I'm sorry if I have been a little harsh, but this is my honest opinion. Please don't be discouraged! Have a go again and soon the practice will really start to show its effects. Remember, a diligent forger is a successful forger!
  3. iSheedMyself

    iSheedMyself Forerunner

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    Thanks man. I see what you mean about the whole cover system, I'll take additional steps towards your criticism and see what I can do to better it. More DMR's would definitely be better and the bottom does need some tweeks due to it being so open.
    Best wishes,

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