Anyone remember back in like February whenever AvP3 came out? I was so excited for that game, and was really looking forward to it. Too bad it failed. I just played it for the first time in like 6 months for Xbox 360 and there's a new patch. Apparently the matchmaking is faster now, so you don't have to wait 10 minutes to play a game. I was surprised to see that people still play this online, granted, it's nowhere near as popular as it was the week it was released. It seems like no one does non-ranked games anymore though, and most of the time you end up playing with a small amount of players, instated of a large amount of players, due to the game slowly losing popularity. It still takes you back to the menu after a ranked game though, which sucks. I'm not sure if they fixed the flamethrower or not, since I didn't have a chance to actually kill anyone with the flamethrower, which was originally (and possibly still is) extremely underpowered in multiplayer. It was fun for a bit, I got a killing spree going on in my first match today. Sadly, almost every time you die, it's because a Predator (Yautja) trophy kills you (rips your spine out). Or you die from a Predator shooting you with his plasma cannon, which disorientates you, and incapacitates you, then he'll shoot you again while you're incapacitated (or throw a one hit kill throwing spear at you).
i love that game. i havent playied the online thou at all. the only big problem i saw in the game was the alien controlles. way to hard, but still like it. the marine is fun for fighting aliens but predators are too hard. and the predator is just beast. he pwns all.
Does anyone still play this? Because it'd be absolutely spectacular if we could form a group and run games on it.
I have it still, but haven't played it online. Would be willing to give it a go once my new Internets connects in the next few days.
I sold it like, 3 days ago. Seriously. The online was fantastic. Seriously good. If I had known that you wanted to set it some games, I wouldn't have sold it. It's tough to get a game these days.
Sweet. When you get you connection back, you should add me @ConfuseFlamingo so we can play and stuffz. Neo, why on earth would you sell it? It only really fetches at a downward of 10$ nowadays. So guys, what species do you forward as?
I'm impartial to Yautja, myself. If you know what that is without having to Google it, you're as much of a nerd as I am. But you receive 50 Cool Points for knowing.
50 Cool Points obtained. Yeah, I know what you mean. But unlike just too many, I don't even touch the plasma caster. As cocky as it is, I just charge them with the melee. The only equipment I'll ever use are the mines and the combi stick, and always in moderation. There's absolutely nothing worse than being spammed out of nowhere by a plasma caster.
I sold it for 20 euro. Which is like, 30ish dollars. Because my friend is retarded. I can buy a copy at the local gamestop for about 12 euro. Anyway, the species I mainly used was Alien, simply because of the freedom of movement. I loved playing Marine too. As for Predator, it was alright. I didn't love it all that much, but it was fun.
I got my new connection, and it rapes. The wireless, anyway. Currently getting about 15mbps download and just short of a meg upload. That's on my lappy, anyway. I'm running it through wireless, so when I connect my Xbox directly to the router with an ethernet cable, I'm expecting it to be much, much better. Hit me up if you want a game anytime, CF.