When nightfalls. The horros of darknes will arrive. Nightfall is a special race map because its changes after every lap. First lap (Day) is easy 40 sec long and has basic stuff. Second lap (Evening) adds more rocks and makes the lap longer(about 1 min). Third lap (night) brings the horrors and monsters to the lap(1.2min). Making Of Nightfall took about 8 hours. Most of the time I spent making the night version. My cousin Jukke helped me alot in testing and at some of of the night horros. Hope you like it and happy halloween hupi Fist lap. Things are still normal... Sun is going down Mysterious rocks appear Nightfall Cemetary Aliens Big bad gyu Hand from a TV
I cant get over this map. The idea is great. Lots of maps have incredible ideas but do them wrong. This map is the opposite. The ideas are great, and the implementation is better. The The forging is clean, and I love how you made the "Monsters". Its fantastic. 10/10.
lol i love the covie crate aliens they just look so stupid its funny!!! well done on creating an entertaining map
The bank turn could use a lot of work on the transition back to the ground, but otherwise this map is amazing. Good use of the timed spawns.
Yeah man very nice map, love the change of scenery, its very unique. Havent seen alot like this so just keep up the good ideas and the making of banks will come.