It Came From The Swamp

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by GameTime49, Oct 21, 2010.

  1. GameTime49

    GameTime49 Forerunner
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    if You remember Swamp Thing or any swamp monster comic... then you might appreciate this

    to start: i will narrate

    "Oh look, after a long day of elite hunting, i'm tired.
    look! a perfectly normal house in the middle of nowhere, lets take a look inside

    oh no! a one way shield door with only a teleporter to get out, might as well go through

    wow, it dark and raining, and very ominous, lets find a way out of here...

    Hey! what that!"
    then the little boy was killed by the swamp thing

    so to give more background o the map here it is:

    • humans spawn in a soft kill zone which forces them to go through the teleporter
    • by the time they go through, it turns night time
    • teleporters are all over the map so that humans dont always come out of the swamp shack, like in the picture
    • there are areas where you can fall into the water, where the monsters will suck you in
    • there is a time limit to each round, as the night turns to day.

    here are some more pictures of parts of the map:

    center area (kind of) on the map

    rocky area to play hopscotch on with the swamp things

    do gie constructive critique please and thankyou
  2. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    Looks interesting for sure. I'm assuming that you can not run out of the boundaries of the kill barrier and the only way to escape it is to go through the teleporter? I like it. I haven't seen that idea before - despite the fact that it seems rather obvious. Onto the map itself, it looks pretty well designed. I like that humans will spawn in different areas once they travel through the teleporter. The hopscotch area seems like it would be pointlessly dangerous to travel out there in the first place.
  3. firedrone8

    firedrone8 Forerunner

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    i think this is really cool. nice elements to it. but can is the soft kill zone big enough to cover ten seconds of running away time? and is the hopping stones floor in the water deadly? or just really deep? and and plasma blades, your maps rock
  4. GameTime49

    GameTime49 Forerunner
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    the area with the stones is a fall to your death area below.
    on one end is the rest of the swamp and the other side are a few higher ground area that give a good defensive position if you can get there without being killed
  5. SDawg72

    SDawg72 Forerunner

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    Wait, so in the swamp, there is shallow water and deep water? Another question is how do you change back to day with the special effects?
  6. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'd try to make it so that the zombies (and technically humans) could walk below the stones - a risk versus reward type of thing.

    And thanks firedrone, I have a few completed for Reach but I'm waiting to release them since right now everything is off the homepage in about an hour after it's released.
  7. Spongejerk

    Spongejerk Forerunner

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    This looks pretty awesome. I'll walk through it and check it out. Will report back.

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