I'm having trouble getting the assault gametype to work, specifically neutral bomb. I have the objects set up correctly with the assault bomb and the capture spots. I heard you have to have at least one person on each team for it to work but that didn't work either. I used capture plates for the bomb and the return zones not sure if that makes a difference or not. Any help would be appreciated.
Make sure you label objects with the following tags while editing in the assault gametype: Bomb spawn: As_bomb -Team: Neutral Capture Plates: As_goal -Team: One for each team
thats how I had them set up but it wasn't working. With the teams for the captures and neutral for the spawn
That's quite odd. When I set up neutral assault on my map, that setup worked just fine. What if you give each team their own bomb as well? That might cause it to work, even if the gametype doesn't actually cause them to be used.