Puzzlemania 3.0

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by iSheedMyself, Oct 22, 2010.

  1. iSheedMyself

    iSheedMyself Forerunner

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    **UPDATED DOWNLOAD LINK: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=7459734&player=iSheedMyself**
    Hello All,

    This is my first puzzle map. Took me a while to create, but so far I think it's pretty clean.
    There are 4 Stages to this map.
    I.Stage One (3 Mini Puzzles)
    (How I wish we can edit the locations on maps by the radar -.-)

    II.Stage Two (2 Mini puzzles)
    a. Hammer
    b. Rube Soccerball Project

    III. Stage Three (1 Mega Puzzle)
    a. How Low Can You Go

    IV. Stage Four (1 Mega Puzzle)
    a. Killballzz

    ^^ These are references for assistance. So I know which specific location you are talking about.

    Once again leave feedback please and let me know what i should do for improvements for my puzzles to come. I am also looking for someone to tag up with and do other puzzles as well !
    If anyone wants to aid in doing a video tutorial that would be gracious :D
    #1 iSheedMyself, Oct 22, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2010
  2. Halcyon

    Halcyon Forerunner

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    I went through it and I thought it was fairly easy but enjoyable. The Hammer part and Stage 3 were the parts that impressed me the most. There were a few issues though. There is a break at the Rube Soccerball part where you can just shoot landmine from the pistol spot and you can just walk through the killball in Stage 4. It's because a killball will not kill you unless you can see its core.
  3. iSheedMyself

    iSheedMyself Forerunner

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    Thank you, I totally forgot about the core of the kill ball mate. I will fix that and the pistol issue and update the link. I wasn't really aiming for something tedious and long just yet thatnks for the feed back !

    #3 iSheedMyself, Oct 22, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2010
  4. Frozenghost001

    Frozenghost001 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hey dude, just to let you know you need at least one embedded picture and/or video or else this thread is going to get locked. just letting you know... :)
  5. iSheedMyself

    iSheedMyself Forerunner

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    updated thanks bro !

    Edited by merge:

    O and ghost let me know if you need somebody to make a puzzle map with, i'll be of some good assistance :D
    #5 iSheedMyself, Oct 24, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2010

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