Remake Facing Worlds II

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by SirDeviant, Oct 22, 2010.

  1. SirDeviant

    SirDeviant Forerunner

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    Hey, I'm the new guy. Since Bungie was beyond generous with Forge 2.0, I'd feel guilty not to provide my share to the table. :)


    "With the reestablished platform largely incomplete, its crucible stands prepared - the sole qualities of marskmanship."


    * Concussion Rifle x 2 (1:00)
    * DMR x 4 (0:45)
    * Needle Rifle x 4 (0:45)
    * Plasma Grenade x 8 (1:00)
    * Plasma Repeater x 4 (0:30)
    * Shotgun x 2 (1:00)
    * Sniper x 4 (1:30)
    * Rocket x 2 (3:00)

    Armor Abilities:

    * Evade x 2 (1:00)
    * Jet Pack x 2 (1:00)


    * Health Station x 4 (0:20)
    * Overshield x 1 (2:00)

    Reach is too good, and for that I figured I needed to do a tribute to one of my favourite shooters; Unreal Tournament. This took me three days to complete, with this being my first venture into Forge. I did a pretty damn good job on the aesthetics alone, making sure they matched by the core. (Oh what could I ever do without you, coordinates tool?) But what I'd really appreciate is for people to try this and provide feedback. Now, onto the fundamentals:

    Being a remake, Facing Worlds II is a symmetrical map that provides a strong emphasis on sniping. It's renowned by its community for the amount of coordination required to guide flag carriers and keep enemy snipers at bay.


    Since Reach is different, I eased the stress of the long walk by adding several shield barriers on the bridge. This not only gives snipers a fair disadvantage, but to further increase gameplay in terms of team dominance.


    As you can see, there's two sniping platforms on both towers; the lower and the higher.


    The lower platform is simpler to use, but provides moderate protection in return. The platform also sports a rocket launcher through a grav lift, but the player must expose himself a great deal in order to acquire it.


    The higher platform fairs better, though its main use is to engage other snipers. Keep in mind that while the viewing distance is far greater, the player must expose himself to enemy fire in order to deter flag runners.


    This is the main base, it provides your team with a enough ordnance to balance the favor against enemy snipers and go about with your objective.


    Below that is the spawn area, it leads into a small hallway underneath the base that sports another pair of grav lifts, which proceed to lift players onto their main floor. This is done to prevent spawn killing.


    Speaking of which, a large shield wall was also placed in the center below the bridge to deter similar cheeses.

    And that's about that. Aside from CTF, Facing Worlds II is also compatible with Assault. Enjoy. : Halo Reach : File Details
    #1 SirDeviant, Oct 22, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2010
  2. Kyler

    Kyler Forerunner

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    This has been done before... better... but good job anyways.
    Maybe you can out-do him in gameplay whilst he only focused on aesthetics.
    Good luck

    You also might wanna fix those bumps in the ground
  3. SirDeviant

    SirDeviant Forerunner

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    Not surprising, really. Mind telling me who made one? That might've been focused on the first Facing Worlds; this one's based off the sequel map in the source game.

    As for the bumps, could you clarify on that? If you're referring to the ramps at the center, they're completely smooth.
  4. Confused Flamingo

    Confused Flamingo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    So...If you fall off, and you don't have any suidide tools, then you have to make the journey to the ocean?
  5. SirDeviant

    SirDeviant Forerunner

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    Don't worry about it, I've done my homework. There's a massive kill barrier at the very bottom, as well as on the right cliff in the first picture.
  6. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    i dont mean to be rude, but i dont understand why people keep trying to remake this map.
    i mean, at least you were thoughtful enough to try and add some cover, but its still barely any cover at all. A map with barely any cover, and two sniping platforms that are miles above the map with LOS on everywhere and everything, tends to be bad gameplay.

    At least you put the spawn area out of plain view from the sniper, unlike others.

    Perhaps there is another way to create something like this, but have it translate to Halo's gameplay better? I would suggest doing a "reimagination" instead of a remake. try focusing on more cover? or, just a random thought, what if the teleporters leading to the sniper platform were Team Specific, and the porter to get to the top of your base is located in the enemys base.
    Then you would have to fight your way into the enemy base to gain access to the extremely dominating sniper perch above your own base. Quite a risk for quite a reward.

    Another thing is having one spawn area. Theres is no variety in gameplay by doing this, because players constantly spawn in the exact same place.

    Like i said, those are just some suggestions.
  7. SirDeviant

    SirDeviant Forerunner

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    A reimagining wouldn't be a bad idea, but that wasn't my intention. It's obvious I can't go for the pure sniping route *glares at Paradiso*, so that came with the only balancing I could offer: for one it takes two rounds to drop a shield barrier, and there's five on each side - ten potential shots wasted. It also helps that they regenerate very quickly, with the snipers themselves having a long respawn time.

    In addition, there's the opposing snipers, I reckon they'd be more worried about their two counterparts in order to gain a foothold. Not only that, there's no worry about having the weapons stolen so it's bound to go on. Plus, there's the Armor Abilites; I'm sure one would get around just fine with Drop Shield, Evade, Sprint, Hologram and to an extent Armor Lock.

    As for the team-specific teleporters, that's a very interesting concept. Yet I do see one negative; it's having to cover your flank virtually the whole time. Seems more of a hassle to me. :X I might just use that some other time, though.

    And the spawning? That's really the only limit imposed for a map like this. If otherwise, you'd see a slew of spawn-killings so taking flags would be nearly impossible.

    Thanks for the comment. But I will say the only real things that can make differences is if feedback is provided through actual gameplay experience.
  8. Classy Midget

    Classy Midget Forerunner

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    I have been building a remake of facing worlds (the original) however I haven't had the time to continue. But what I have done so far has been mega accurate, I'll let you know when I finish it.

    T3RA PROWL3R Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hm . . .

    This is the most decent UT3 remake I've seen so far.

    You know what I'd REALLY like to see?

    Deck, Omicron Dawn, Reflection, and Shangri La.

    Nice Job.

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