Hey guys, I've just updated my version of Longest called Elusive. This should be the geometric equivalent (as close a possible given the new physics/ available building blocks) of longest. I've updated the grav lift to use one-way shields for ladders and the entire map has had a multitude of cosmetic tweaks and adjustments. The geometry (with a few minor exceptions) is unchanged and, if I did my job right, the only thing you will notice is a massive performance increase regarding frame rates. I redid all of the floors and the walls. One thing I did not change that I got feedback on was the idea that a purple light would help the ambiance. I tried multiple combinations of FX and they looked cool but they also made it so dark as to be unplayable. Unfortunately gameplay trumps aesthetics. Let me know if you can think of any more improvements (or if you find the killer combo of FX that allows for purple lights). Thanks for checking it out! Red Base Updated ladder to shotgun area Center walkway Foxhole with dimensionally correct angles Top of the long ramp
good stuff! Not sure why you put explosives around the shotgun haha I know those weapons are godly in longest but if you think its too good, put it on 0 spare clips.