yeah and there probably would be people who just are complete idiots, alot like WoW, so basically, single player. i think they should introduce more mounts than just a horse though, like a bear or a daedroth.
haha, the Daedroth were feckin' huge in Oblivion ... in Morrowind they were the same height as the player! I'd like to see some more Dwemer Ruins/Dwarven quests/Dwarves/Dwemer etc ... the random 'Last Living Dwarf/Dwemer' was a leg.end.
I had GOTY too. Man, Morrowind is so superior to any game ever made. Oh, and Luca, STFU, you havent played this game, go away. Its not even nerdy either.
Am I the only one here who glitched out all their skills and stats? Man, original edition had soo many glitches in it. Although the one that pissed me off most was the one that kept me from being Arch-Mage, because Trebonius challenged me to a wizard-off before I was the rank below Arch-Mage (whatever that was), so I was unable to rank up past that because Trebonius was dead and there was no other way of reaching the top. Although, content-wise, I'm pretty sure I kicked the **** out of every Morrowind dungeon, I used to spend hours using my map to scope out potential unexplored dungeons. I'm also going to admit I have never ever played this game legitimately - ever. I used health/magika/fatigue cheats off the bat and proceeded to stat glitch my blade/axe/etc skills to 300-700-ish and Sunder/Keening-ed my stats past 300 each and had to de-glitch my Speed below 200 in order to keep from glitching off the map. Oh, and I set the game's difficulty to maximum low.
i honestly never used cheats, mainly because i did not know how, probably explains why it took me forever to reach level 40.
was there a glitch to allow you to "teleport" to specific areas other than the recall spell? if there is tell me, it would be a huge help.
I think so, can't remember though. Keep in mind I lost the ability to play this game at Christmas 2006 when I got mah 360.
I don't think there was a teleportation glitch, otherwise I'd probably know about it. The only way besides recall I know how to teleport is Almsivi/Divine Intervention spells, but those aren't glitch material. Ivory, you I assume you never glitched because you probably have GOTY edition, which pretty much ruined ALL Morrowind glitches. Although my friend insists that you can glitch Attributes via a constant effect spell + soul trap. But I don't know how this works, or why it would.
I have GOTY, but I had the normal edition before then. And GOTY still has the health/magicka cheats though.
Ok, this is true. On my old Xbox profile, my guy in Morrowind had all of the 33 artifacts listed in that deadric book of artifacts, and my guy was around level 172. In Morrowind I have a few million septim coins. In oblivion, my guy has done literally ALL the quests, all expansions and side and guild and miscelaneous quests ALL of them. And my Oblivion guy is level 52. In Oblivon I also have millions of Septims.
wow, too much spare time, or hax. but6 with oblovion, i'm pretty much the same, well, at least my non-live account was, it was level 48 dark elf head of everything every quest completed and all that.
if you knew the co-ordinates of a location on the map, you could bring up the console (With the tilde key) and then just go to them with a command ... i can't remember the command, but i'm pretty certain you could do it...
Well I am amazing at Oblivion mostly because I broke the game, no cheating was involved. I got myself 100% chameleon forever. Try to find out how I did it.