Out of Reflection: Just a basic map that'll spawn you on some platforms outside of the Reflection map. Not sure if getting out of the map has already been found, but if it has then "oh well", I still consider myself finding it on my own, as I didn't look up anything.. Anyway, it's nothing special.. just out of the map practically. Enjoy. - Techno
looks really cool. and yes you are the first one to publically announce that you have found this out, so officialy you have found this.
That is awesome! I always thought there was soft death boundary no matter any glitch but I was wrong.
If you think it's cool, then like it on the Bungie download page.. Thanks for the comments by the way. I have also found a way out of boardwalk, however I am still sketching the safe zones before I release it.
Doesnt seem that hard, add a turret to a window, you get the drill. Mind telling us how much far you can forge in that glitch?
Actually the soft kill boundary surrounds the entire outside of the map, I had to manage a teleporter to the "outside" wall, and in the process luckily found a safe spot.. The safe spot surrounds the entire building, but it's very jumpy and random.. I've managed to build some jump-able platforms along most of it. The build box is not that big at all. To be honest, there's not enough forge objects to actually build a worthy map out there anyway.
I suppose it could be purely aesthetic.. I couldn't find an actual category for an out of the map variant. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Bump