The Pit v2.0 This is the new and improved remake of The Pit from halo 3. Gamefreak1792 and I have put in hours revising and correcting problems the community found with the first version. * Added the yellow pads along walls * Added Side walls where chain fence is * Added plasma repeaters and magnums to replace missing maulers * Re-sized and re-proportioned training, green box and long hall to give true 1 X 1 ratio. Here is the new and improved Pit Remake This picture shows a nice overview of the map, including the new pads and resized proportions This picture shows a nice view of sword base and training. This pic shows the platform leading to snipe tower the the flag bases This picture shows Green Box and Invis Hallway This pic shows Rocket Hallway This picture Shows Invis Hallway This picture shows shotgun spawn This picture shows the Sword Room Comparison Screenshots Please Download, Comment and Rate. Thanks, Jwake, Gamefreak1792, DLove23, Lucky v1, and Rifleman 10000
Holy **** this map is absolutely amazing, definitly better than most Pit remakes out there, 5/5 all the way
you should cover off the top with something, coliseum walls would work, but thy're not too aesthetically pleasing....
very good remake, but i couldnt make the jump from platform to greenbox like i could on Halo 3 without sprint. Was this intentionally of did you overlook it?
One thing you guys need to remember is that halo 3's jump height was far greater than Reach so jumps like platform to greenbox just wont be possible without it being grossely outta porportion and as for the ceiling it just wouldnt make sense, H3 didnt have a roof so it would be stupid to put a ceiling on this.
TBH if you have budget left, you should make some sort of roof on it, perhaps a bent one like H3 had, would accentuate 'the pit' feeling more