Remake Rats Kitchen

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by golfingelk, Oct 22, 2010.

  1. golfingelk

    golfingelk Forerunner

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    Rats Kitchen
    This map is a remake of an old modded map for Call of Duty: United Offensive on the PC. The premise is that all the players are the size of rats in an enormous kitchen. I remember it as being on of the best snipers maps of all time, and I figured it was about time that it got remade in Halo. I have also linked a specific gametype for this map, which basically Team Snipers. There are no weapons on the map, and I don't recommend trying to play regular Slayer games on here as it is just too huge for the default weapons. SWAT would probably work OK, and maybe even Rockets as well, but this map was made primarily as a Snipers map.
    I have recreated the layout and the different ways of moving around the map almost exactly as they were in the original, which was no easy task as Halo has no ladders. The climbable areas from the original still function in a similar way using man cannons, grav-lifts, ramps and teleporters.

    "Ladder" on the doorframe
    Climbable back of fridge

    I have also tried to really make sure that all the original lines-of-sight are as they were in the original map, and that it has that same feeling of massive scale and careful movement from cover to cover.

    Inside of pantry
    Inside of cupboard

    One other thing that I had to transfer from the original to Halo was the "soft landing" pads, which used to be items like books or cloth or water in the sink. These allowed the player to jump from the great heights of the map and survive the fall. The way I did this was through the use of ramps, which, if hit correctly, will allow the player to take minimal damage and survive a huge fall.

    Sink "soft landing" ramps

    Creating this map was a huge challenge, as I had to figure out how to make elements that didn't exist in Halo work like they should. This map also stretched the forge budget limits to the max. Because of this, you may notice that certain areas don't exactly look perfect. This is because I had to start using other objects, like ramps or decorative walkway covers, to patch up certain areas of the map, as I ran out of walls and building blocks quite quickly. I hope everyone can download this map and try to get a massive 8 vs. 8 Snipers game going, as that is where this map truly shines. Let me know if anyone is planning just such an event, as I would love to get in on the action. Other than that, please download, recommend, critique, and just enjoy this map that I put a lot of time and effort in to.


    I updated the map to fix a problem with the kill-zone boundaries, so if you downloaded before this post, you should download the new one.
    #1 golfingelk, Oct 22, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2010
  2. Toastman 500

    Toastman 500 Ancient

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    Ladders and soft landing pads can be made using one way shield doors, just to let you know. Other than that this map is sick and reminds of house from halo CE
  3. golfingelk

    golfingelk Forerunner

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    How do you make ladders with a one way shield?
  4. Worksa7

    Worksa7 Forerunner

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    You did a really nice job on this map, it's surprisingly accurate. Also, this stage wasn't just in call of duty, it's been in many many other shooting games, even Half Life for example, and now here too =3
  5. GooberGrape

    GooberGrape Forerunner

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    I can't believe you took on this task. You have my respect. I remember playing it way back in the day on Counter Strike.
  6. SnoopALoop21

    SnoopALoop21 Forerunner

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    Wow...i just finished a Rats map maybe 5 minutes ago, and I thought I would check to make sure no one else has done it. Damnit! haha oh well the one I did is actually alot different than this (I used the counterstrike version as my guide)...but it is cool to see some of the similarities.

    Good job on your map it looks great.
    #6 SnoopALoop21, Dec 25, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2011

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